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Soo-ah POV:

I woke up still in pain. But it doesn't hurt anymore. I kept my eyes close as I felt a body lying next to me. "Is it Seong-Min's previous victim" I thought as I was too afraid to do anything. but the body feels kinda warm and.....comfy. No no no don't think of a dead body like that Soo-ah. But shouldn't the body be cold. Why is it warm and something feels tight around my legs. But they feel separated like my legs aren't tied together. And my whole body too. I slowly opened my eyes. And lying next to me isn't a dead body it's..........SEONG-MIN IN A FUCKING BRA. I was laying down on her fucking arm. I looked down a shirt bigger than me was covering my entire body. I was wearing the underwear that I was wearing this morning but no BRA. The hell. did she fucking changed my clothes. Fuck....her boobs are big. I wanna touch it~~~. I snapped myself out of my thoughts. Fuck why am I thinking this. I'm suppose to bully her. I wanna get away from her. But she looks so warm and cozy tho. I nuzzled more up to her and closed my eyes feeling her body warmth. "Up so soon darlin~~~" a voice came from Seong.  I blushed red. "When W-were y-you awake" I said blushing even redder. "I was awake all the time" she said sitting up. "Oh and I plustered you" she said rubbi g her eyes. "What is a pluster" I said in confusion. "Well do you know bandages" she said getting her phone. "Uh yeah the once used to apply to wounds." I said looking at her. "Yeah us Brits call those plusters" she said looking at the time. "Oh by the way. Take some advice don't go to school while you have your wounds raw" she said while still looking at the phone. "But why it doesn't hurt that much until I'm standing for too long" I said. "Well your wound can lead to infection and amputation. And since there are wounds everywhere on your body so it could lead to death" she said looking at me. "Oh" I said as I looked down. Mom could have killed me. Well that bitch never cared about me. "Oh and also NEVER hang out with Minwoo and Jun ji" she said to in a serious tone in her voice scaring the shit out of me. "B-but they are my only friends" I blurted out in fear. "THEY ARE NOT YOUR FREIND. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES SOO-AH. DON'T LET ANYONE MISS LEAD YOUR GOOD HEART" she yelled scaring me more. And the bringing me in the brink of tears. A tear flowed down my cheek. After she saw my tear and wiped it off with her thumb "sighs.......I'm I didn't meant to yell" she said As she grabbed my hand. Her hand is so soft. "I would like you to see this. They are not your 'friend'" she said As she pull up a recorded video. The video was about Minwoo and Jun ji. I watched every second of the video as the tears started to come back. After the video ended. I broke down in tears. She hugged me ad I sobbed. ever hugged me like that. I hugged her back. Crying on her shoulders. "I'm sorry..." I blurted out muffled from my sobbing. She giggled a bit "what are you sorry for" she said As her tone sounded light and comforting. "bullying you....." I said as her shoulders getting wet from my tears. "Stop that Rubbish" she said as she hugged me tighter. "You never fucking bullied me. You hated seeing others suffer" she said. "H-how do you know" I said calming down a bit. "Even if you ever lie to everyone. Your eyes will always tell tge truth" she said craising my back. "You don't deserve bloody bitches like them" she said. As I stopped crying and rested my head on her shoulders. I smile as I start to fall asleep on her shoulder..............

To be continued

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