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Kalani Fiore

Myself and Noah arrived home to our quiet street which was starting to sleep, it wasn't too late only 9:15 but it was too late for Noah.
I got Noah out of the car, and tried to wake him up which he did but kept nuzzled into my neck and I got our things out of the car and I struggled but I got the front door open. I walked into our cozy home and I let my bags fall to the ground by the door and I turned on our lamps and the kitchen lights whilst we were greeted by our loving dog, our australian shepard border collie who was white and fluffy mixed with different shades of brown with light blue eyes, Milo. After giving Milo a quick stroke I headed upstairs to get Noah ready for bed.

I got him into his pyjamas and got him a bottle and he drunk it whilst I put on his night light and white noise and I tucked him into bed and he fell asleep straight away, I kept my monitor with me as I shut his door and I took a much needed breather.

My head was spinning what felt like a thousand miles per hour, a thousand thoughts, a thousand feelings, a thousand scenarios but all having on focus. Him.

I felt like a bad Mum tonight for taking Noah with me to work but I didn't have another choice.
It is difficult for me and his Father isn't in his life but I can't really be mad because we were just a one night stand. I just have to deal with it.

I headed to my bedroom with Milo following me as he sleeps in my bedroom sometimes. I set my pyjamas on my bed and I took a shower and let myself breathe in the hot water running down my body as I washed myself getting flashbacks from me and Charles reuniting tonight. Is this a sign Noah's dad might be coming into his life? Or will I see Charles again?

I got out of the shower and completed my skincare and then I got changed and headed downstairs to the kitchen to make a cup of tea when I did I went back to my bed and Milo got comfy in his own bed, and just enjoyed the tea and I went on my phone and did the stupid thing of checking his social media.

My eyes widened from his Instagram, he had gained millions of fans from being in Formula 1, on the road to being one of the best, he had been successful in his career so far. I looked through his posts and saw how much he had grown and became more attractive, it was like he was a model as well as a Formula 1 driver.
My thumb kept scrolling, I looked in the comments, I saw fan accounts, his story highlights, I couldn't stop.
Wait. My thumb stopped scrolling and I scrolled up to a post I skimmed past, it was a girl, it was him with a girl and they seemed...close. Does he have a girlfriend? And if he does why does that annoy me? He's not in my life.
But it did annoy me. This was the Father of my child, and then I accidentally liked a post.

"Shit" I quickly unliked it, there's no way he saw however thats definitely my sign to sleep.

I turned off my light and turned to my side to try to fall asleep trying not to remember but I couldn't help it...

Four years earlier...

We scrambled through his apartment door, where he crashed his lips onto mine and our kisses were passionate and became aggressive.
I knew this was wrong but he felt so right.
He picked me up with my legs wrapped round his waist as he carried me to his bedroom. Hunger. We were both hungry for each other, we both felt like shit for reasons we don't know but right now we're letting it out with each other. Pure lust, but goosebumps were littered all over my skin, his touch sent my heart rate going a thousand beats per minute. He was indescribable.


I rolled back over in my bed trying to get some actual sleep, that would be beneficial. Get out of my head Charles, I can't relive that night in my head, I wished to myself, just to make my life slightly easier.


"Good morning!" I heard Phoebes chirpy tone on the other end of the phone line, as I made my morning tea, I was heading into the restaurant this morning just to make sure everything is okay from last night and going over important documents.

"Morning Pheebs" I said with a slight chuckle at her unnoticeable enthusiasm.

"How was last night...?" I asked in a more quieter tone as I leaned against my kitchen counter sipping my tea as I gazed at the early morning through my kitchen window, nervous for her response.

"Not bad, the restaurant quietened down after
you left" Phoebe informed me, I could see her furrowed brows without even looking at her, can't she just tell me?

"Oh" I simply said as I fiddled with my mug handle as I walked over to the sofa and sat down as I draped a fluffy blanket over my bare legs.

"They were fine" Phoebe finally said relieving my running thoughts.

"What do you mean fine?" I questioned further not particularly knowing why.

"Like they had their meal, talked, stayed a little while, and tipped a lot" Phoebe said in the most nonchalant tone but I know her little mischievous grin is on full display.

But because I'm stubborn my reply was simple "Oh okay"

"Okay serious now..." Phoebe trailed off and my expression turned flat.

"Are you gonna tell him? Like seriously he has a child and he doesn't know, at some point down the line its gonna come out K, you should be the one to let it come out" Phoebe ranted out in one breath, I know she wants Noah to have a Dad in his life as much as she loves me as a Mum, but I get it, its true.

"Honestly Pheebs, I don't know, how do you do that? Like how do you tell someone that?"

Phoebe thought on the other end of the line for a little while, "Go to Silverstone"


"Oh come on" Phoebe said as she wiped the bar whilst I was on the other side putting the alcohol and the glasses in the right order again, the restaurant wasn't open right now, it was still the morning.

I let out a chuckle as I turned around putting three wine glasses away, "Phoebe I'm not going to Silverstone, that's ridiculous"

"But why not? Its this week, and it's Tuesday you could go" She exclaimed

I turned back around and faced her as I leaned against the bar, "And how would I see him? Like I couldn't tell him when he's about to compete in a race"

Phoebe rolled her eyes but she smiled slightly as she realised she might be getting slightly ahead of herself, Noah came running into the bar from playing on his tablet on one of the tables, "Mama I got up to the next level"

"Thats great baby!" I exclaimed trying to switch my mood and to let my thoughts subside.

He went back around the bar to show Phoebe as if she wasn't here listening, I smiled at them but then I gazed off as I thought, was it a good idea? Or are we both going insane?

I was snapped out of it, as Noah was running around the restaurant to the back as Phoebe was playing the tickle monster, her most impressive role I must say. I giggled at them as they were out of sight but I could still hear their laughs.

I put some more glasses away, as I heard a knock at the door, I turned my head as I put the last glass away and stared out to the glass double doors.

Oh my god.

... hi
slightly shorter chapter but I really wanted to get this chapter out now and then let the interesting stuff start
whos at the door?? tell me ur guesses
lots of love

Four years later || CL16Where stories live. Discover now