Chapter 32: Close to you

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One month Later

The school bell rang, and it was finally time to go home. I hadn't seen Sasuke in a week because of his basketball practice. Tomorrow, Saint Madara would be going against our school for the champion title, so Obito had them working extra hard. 

As much as I wanted to go support my boyfriend, I couldn't go to the game. His school has a strict no "outsiders" policy. 

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't see my boyfriend until tomorrow night. I miss him...

I swung my bag over my shoulder, ready to leave the classroom when Sakura ran into the room in a panic. 

"Naruko!" she yelled.

"Sa-Sakura-chan?! What's wrong?" I asked in concern. 

"This!" she yelled while showing me her phone. "Saint Madara is going to let Konoha High Students watch the game in their Arena for the first time in 18 years!"

My jaw dropped in awe as I grabbed her phone to scroll through the article. "There's no way..." I whispered to myself. 

"You know what this means, Naruko?"

"What?" I asked in a daze.

"I can go see my dream boy: Sasuke!"

My heart dropped in my chest as I heard her say his name. She still had no clue that we were together, and I couldn't find the strength to tell her either. How would I ever explain to her that my boyfriend was the very boy she had been chasing despite knowing he was technically unattainable? How would I explain to her that I found a way to date and hopefully marry a boy from the Uchiha clan? I couldn't come up with a lie that made sense, and I didn't want to tell her the truth either. 

I tried my hardest to hide my discomfort and show her my support, but the guilt was eating away at me. Before I could say anything, my phone vibrated. I pulled my phone from my skirt pocket in relief and saw a text from my boyfriend. 

My Moody Uchiha

Obito-senpai just told me Konoha High Students can attend the game tomorrow.

I got you a ticket in case you wanted to come

Let me know 

I handed Sakura her phone so I could reply to him. 


Hey cutie! 

I just read an article on that. That's so crazy O.o

Of course I'll go

I always want to support you <3

My Moody Uchiha

I'll drop by your apartment after practice to give you the ticket.

I love you


I love you too <3

See you soon :)

I smiled at my phone before putting it away. I can't wait to see him later~!

"So..." I heard Sakura say, completely forgetting that she was there, "I've noticed you've been happier lately. Who's the new guy~?"

Because I Love You (SasuNaru AU) ✔Where stories live. Discover now