Chapter 22: The First Time I Met You

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The First Time Line 10 years ago...

Sasuke P.O.V 

She was strange; the girl who pepper-sprayed my eyes and kissed me. Her face carried emotions unknown to me and her language was rude and free. She was a strange one.

"Hey, Sasuke."

I jumped in my seat and turned to face my senpai who had come to chaperon on the school trip.

"Hm?" I replied calmly while looking back out the window.

"What's on your mind?" He asked. "This is the first time I've ever seen you so lost in thought," he teased while sitting next to me. 

"Nothing..." I whispered while paying him no attention. 

"Nothing, huh~?" he teased again, "Did you meet a girl?"

I jumped at the sudden accusation. "No!" I shouted completely out of character. Obito senpai stared at me with a pleased expression. I blushed slightly before turning back to look outside the window.

"Ooh~ So it is a girl."

I closed my eyes in nervousness, waiting for the bus to leave the hot springs. Obito senpai was busy asking me embarrassing questions, making the blush worse than it was supposed to be. In that moment when I was about to yell at him, my eyes opened to look out the window once more only to see that strange girl again. Her golden hair and sea-blue eyes made it impossible for me to look away. 

"So that's her, huh~?" teased Obito while looking over my shoulder. 

I jumped again, quickly pushing him away. "Shut up..."

I tried to calm myself back down as Obito senpai left the seat beside me in laughter. I slowly let out a sigh of relief that it was Obito that saw me and not one of the stricter Uchihas. If anyone but Obito had seen me looking at a girl outside of our clan, the shame that would follow my family would be unforgivable.

I stared outside the window to eye the blonde girl. I found myself staring, analyzing every part of her. I steadily touched my lips with a finger, pressing down as I felt the touch of her lips still linger.

My mind was beginning to run off into a daydream, but the force of the bus pulling away caused my thoughts to stop. Tch. What was I thinking...?

I sighed again, closing my eyes to bring myself back to reality. She's just some stupid girl I'm never going to see again...


4 Months Later

"You're going," commanded my brother as I chased him around the house.

"I'm not going to some stupid party, Itachi!" I yelled angrily.

He turned to me, placing a finger over his lips, telling me to quiet down. "If our father hears we're going to a party outside of the estate, who knows what will happen to us." 

"Us? You mean you!"

"Nope. If I drown, you're coming down with me," he said with a smirk

I sighed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms in anger. "That's why this plan of yours is stupid. You know we can't go to any of those people's stupid events."

"We're people too. Being an Uchiha shouldn't stop us from getting to know those outside of our estate."

My brother was speaking like those outcasted Uchiha's that believed our way of life was wrong. My brother was the most beloved Uchiha of them all, yet this is how he was speaking of our clan.

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