Chapter 33: Fixing The Third Timeline

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One Year Later

I was in Sasuke's home, helping him pack his room so he could begin to move into my apartment. Graduation was quickly approaching for both of us, and the pressure from our situations was starting to get to us.

"Do you need this?" I asked while helping to take out his clothes from his closet.

He stared at it, unable to decide whether to keep it for the move or donate it.

"Does it spark joy?" I asked with a smirk while passing him the shirt.

He grabbed the shirt with a chuckle before tossing it in the donation box. "It doesn't really speak to me."

We had spent a few hours going through his room, figuring out what to keep and what to give away, but we still had so much left to do.

I sighed while sitting on the edge of his bed. He folded his last shirt into his suitcase and then made his way next to me. "Tired?" he asked while reaching for my hand.

I nodded, taking his hand in mine. "Overwhelmed...There's still so much and only a week or two to get everything done..."

He poked my forehead with his two fingers, causing me to yelp in pain. "Hey-!"

"It's going to be okay. It'll be finished in a few days, don't worry."

I took a deep breath, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Cheesy," I joked.

"You like it when I'm cheesy," he whispered while reaching over to caress my cheek.

"Do I?"

With a playful smile, he leaned in to kiss me. "Shut up and help me pack."

I rolled my eyes with a smirk before hopping off the bed to help him again. I headed towards the closet, ready to finish up.

"Are you excited to see my gramps?" I asked while taking the last of his clothes out of the closet.

He nodded his head. "Sorry we couldn't go sooner," he said while going through the pile of clothes on his bed. "I didn't realize my dad put the wrong date on the ticket..."

I giggled, walking to the overflowing donation box to close it up. "Suna during the summer is nicer anyway. Besides, I wouldn't have had your homemade ramen if we had gone, so it's still a win for me."

I could see the smile on his face as he continued to sort through his clothes. "You're going to be a great chef, Sasuke."

His ears began to glow with a light pink tint. "Hn," he grunted in embarrassment.

"I mean it." I pushed the donation box into the hallway and opened another box to take its place. "I'm manifesting it now," I began while taping the bottom of the box, "You're going to own the greatest restaurant, and I'm going to help you run it. Then...if we have a family...they'll help out and we'll have the cutest family own restaurant."

"Family?" he asked while turning in my direction with a pink face.

I nodded my head with a shy smile. " I'm thinking 2 or 3 kiddos."

His shocked expression slowly melted into a warm smile. "I like that...I like that future a lot."

"We'll manifest it every day to make sure it comes true."

He chuckled to himself, turning around to continue packing.

As I stood by the doorway, I looked into the room, feeling bittersweet at how empty it had become. I was still scared about the move and the future to come. The thought of another Sasuke returning to the past to stop us still haunted me.

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