Chapter 4: Planning With My Future Husband

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes. My eyes slowly opened as my nose sniffed the air. Who could be cooking--Sasuke?!

I quickly hopped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. I knew I wasn't dreaming!

I watched him work in the kitchen from afar. His hands were skilled with the knife cutting up pieces of sausage effortlessly. His body moved elegantly as he multitasked, walking between each different station in the kitchen.

Wow...he must be a chief. I mean he has to be with the way he's moving. Maybe that's why I married him because he can cook. Haha, smart move future me! ...or not smart move since you're apparently unhappy...

I sat at the table, waiting for him to bring me my food. I watched how he concentrated his attention on everything in the kitchen. It was as if nothing existed around him but him and the food he was preparing.

After a few moments, he turned off the stove and served the food on the plate, His eyes never once leaving the plate. He seemed to be in his own world when he worked. And as soon as he looked up, he stared at me for a few seconds then quickly looked away.

Wow, no good morning or anything? Ehhh whatever, I don't need your stupid 'good morning.'

He picked up the plates and brought them to the table, gently placing them down.

I stared at the beautifully plated food, drool slowly dripping from my mouth. "Wow... you're an annoying guy but you sure can cook!"

He rolled his eyes and sat down across from. "Today I want to discuss the plan. Don't interrupt me and just eat."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I mumbled with a mouth full of food.

"In the future, you told me the story of how you fell in love with your senpai. You told me you met him while on cleaning duty, so I want to try and reinvent your meeting for starters. After we'll get you to talk to him. Eventually, you'll ask him out and start dating; then I can leave and we'll both have a better future."

"Sounds good," I replied only half paying attention. "By the way, how'd you even get here?"

"What does that have to do with what we're discussing?"

"I just wanna know!"

He breathed out heavily while crossing his arms. "Time travel, you idiot."

"Yeah I know, but like, are time machines common in the future? It's kinda far fetched since you only come from ten years in the future."

"I know a guy..."

"What's his name?"

"I can't tell you."

"Is he a scientist?"


"Why'd he let you use it? Does he know what you're doing with it? Is he friends with future me too?"

He rubbed his temples as he closed his eyes. "He doesn't know I took it...and you're not a big fan of him either."

I dropped my fork on the plate and looked at him in shock. "Wait, so you stole it! Does that mean I don't know you're here?!"

"I told you it was complicated."

Complicated or not, he should have at least told future me about him leaving!

"You're so secretive! Why would you just leave without telling me where you were going?! And you stole some time machine gadget that could've killed you since it was made by some sketchy scientist!"

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