Epilogue: Because I Love You

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First Timeline's Sasuke P.O.V

After I left Naruko, I returned to Orochimaru's lab as promised.

I exited the portal, to see Orochimaru typing away at his desk. He never looked up, but I knew he was aware that I had arrived.

"Are you ready for your one-way ticket back to your timeline?" He asked while finishing his work.

There was a part of me that wasn't. I feared for what lay ahead, but I knew I couldn't keep running away from my future. I had to trust Naruko.

"Yes," I said while placing the time machine on his desk.

He glanced at the machine and then sighed. "There's no way out this time. Whatever your future is, it'll be set in stone."

I nodded my head, ready to accept my fate.

He stood up from his desk, taking the time machine with him. He then stored it away in a cabinet before taking out another machine from the same cabinet.

He pressed a button on the machine, and in an instant, a portal opened before me.

"I wish you the best, Sasuke Uchiha."

With a nod, I entered the portal to face my new future.


For the last time, I had reached the end of the time machine's portal. After the events of the second timeline, I feared what could be waiting for me this time.

I clung to the strap of my bag, nervous to step out and see what was beyond the light.
Naruko said she could change our future...I have to believe in her...

I took a deep breath and proceeded to step out of the portal. I walked into another unfamiliar home, but it was different than the one in my past future.

It was bright as the sunlight lit the house through the windows. The walls were white and covered in frames of baby photos and photos of small children. I looked at the pictures with a beating heart, hoping that they belonged to us.

Suddenly, the sound of a sliding door opening caught my attention. I heard the laughter of children, and then the sound of my wife's voice pestering them to stop their mischief. I clenched my bag as my heart overfilled with bittersweet feelings.

Two children then entered the room with smiles as they called to me: "Papa!"

Both boys had short black hair, but only one of them had their mother's blue eyes. They hugged my legs, excited to see me. "Papa, you slept in all morning!" The blue-eyed boy complained.

"Yeah, you said you would play with us today! Mommy can't play since she's busy cooking our sister in her belly or whatever," added the cole-eyed boy.

"Papa, are you sure we have to have a sister?! I rather have another brother!" complained the two boys. 

"What did I tell you two about running in the house?! And stop bothering your dad!" she shouted before walking into the room as well.

Naruko was even more beautiful than I had last seen her. Her golden hair shone as it draped down to her knees, her skin was bright and full of color, and her face gave vivid expressions again. She was alive, and so was our third child whom she was currently carrying in her belly.

"How...how did this happen?" I asked with tears beginning to whelm up in my eyes.

She wiped my eyes with her fingers before caressing my cheek. "Welcome home, Sasuke."

I quickly took her into my arms as I cried into her shoulder with bittersweet tears. She then ran her fingers through my hair lovingly for comfort. "Thank you," I whispered in between breaths, "Thank you for not giving up on me..."

I could feel my children's concern for me as they hugged my legs tightly. "Mommy, why is Papa crying?"

"Because he's happy."

Memories of this timeline's Sasuke began to fill my head, melting away at the sorrow and bitterness in my heart. The love this Sasuke had for her was stronger than mine ever was. He--no--I loved Naruko more than anything in the universe.

I stared at her, unable to believe that she and everything around me was mine. Her beautiful ocean-blue eyes dragged me in as they always had. Without a moment of hesitation, I kissed my wife passionately and held her close. "I love you, Naruko."

The children squealed, making gagging sounds as they ran out of the room. "They're kissing again!" they yelled. 

I laughed to myself, happy that this was my future. 

"You and Naori were right," I admitted while holding my wife's hand, "I'm sorry for not trusting you..."

"It's all in the past now," she whispered sweetly. "Once you get your memories back, you'll realize how fortunate we were this time."

A tear slipped from both of our eyes as we leaned in to kiss again. "Promise me you'll never use that time machine again."

I nodded my head, holding her tightly in my arms."I'll never leave you again."

Because you loved me, I found my way back to you. Because I love you, I will never let you go again. 



Thank you for reading! I know this story took a long time to complete, but I appreciate the patience. I hope you enjoyed my work and look forward to my future works.

If you want more SasuNaru, feel free to check out my other ones as well:

My Neighbor Naruko
(My 1st SasuNaru!)

I Can't Change Back
(Naruto suddenly becomes a girl!)

Unfortunately Yours
(Naruko and Sasuke are paired together for their most difficult mission yet.)

Again, I hope you enjoyed this story, and that you'll continue to support me :)

Your author,

- Otaku-Chan (^w^)/

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