Chapter 6: Eating With My Future Husband

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I sat on the bleachers, watching Kakashi-Senpai rule the court. He was fast, agile, and graceful. With every jump his jersey would go up, reveling his sweaty, well-built body.

I'm in heaven~

The coach blew his whistle, calling his players over. They all stopped playing, dropping the basketball to huddle around the coach. The coach would speak and the players responded with shouts. He then blew his whistle again, indicating that practice was over.

Kakashi-Senpai walked up to me and went through his bag that he had left beside me.

"Good work out there," I complimented.

"Thanks." He dried himself with his towel, yet never removed his face mask.

"Hey, senpai?" I asked, "How come you're always wearing a mask?"

He looked at me with a smile. "Because it makes me look cool, don't you think?"

This guy...really is something else...

"Kakashi!" Shouted one of his teammates.

He turned around and looked at the teammate with the bowl cut hair. "What is this time Gai?"

"I challenge you to a free throw showdown!"

"You're an idiot."

"Kakashi, I've been practicing every day for the last month and I'm 100 percent sure I'm going to win this time!"

"Gai, you know you're going to lose..."

"No, you're going to lose!" He shouted while running to grab a basketball.

Kakashi sighed as he closed his bag. "Sorry Naruko but I have to deal with this idiot. Maybe next time I can walk you home."

Woah what?! He was gonna walk me home?! And he said next time--ahhh I'm so glad I confessed!

"Oh uh sure! It's okay, I'm fine with walking home alone, believe it!" I hopped off the bleachers and headed for the exit. "I'll see ya tomorrow, senpai!"

He waved back at me with a smile then turned to give Gai senpai the attention he requested.


I was halfway home when I suddenly received a call from my home phone.

Oh crap, I forgot about him!

I quickly answered the phone and raised it to my ear.

"I'm so sorry Sasuke! I forgot about you!"

"Tch. Do you know what time it is? It's almost seven. Hurry up and get home."

"B-but what about the food?"

"Just come home. We'll just eat ramen."

"Hmm okay...Since you want me home so badly, I think I'll take the shortcut by Saint Madara--"

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