Chapter 5: Meeting Kakashi-Senpai

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School was about to end, and like always, my eyes always seemed to close during Iruka-sensei's lecture. Dreams filled my empty mind as I slept behind my textbook.
Then a smile crossed my face as I dreamt about my first encounter with my senpai:

It was earlier this year when I was placed on cleaning duty because Sakura was at home sick. My cleaning partner bailed on me, so I was stuck doing everything but myself.

"Stupid Kiba, always bailing on me when I need him!" I growled while I mopped the classroom floor.

As soon as I finished, I put the mop away and walked to the board to clean the eraser. I stared at the chalk filled eraser and smiled mischievously.

'Iruka-sensei should be coming back soon...hehehe maybe I should mess with him a lil for giving me all those detentions~'

I laughed to myself as I grabbed a chair to stand on. I opened the door slightly, placing the dirty eraser at the top so when Iruka-sensei came in, it would hit him.

'Hehehe he won't know what hit em!'

I quickly moved the chair and stacked it by the wall. I then looked at the clock, measuring how much time was left before he would come in.

I leaned against the wall, waiting for the five minutes to pass by. But like always, my patience grew thin. Waiting by the wall was boring, so I decided to look out the window instead. I watched the boy's baseball team run around the school, their voices tired yet full of energy as their coach yelled at them. My eyes then moved towards the boy's soccer team, watching them kick around the ball while shirtless.

Drool slowly escaped my mouth as my eyes feasted on the many shirtless boys on the field. "They are all so hot~ Heh I kinda feel like my grandpa..." I whispered to myself.

The five minutes passed by and he still wasn't here. Sighing, I decided to remove the eraser from the door so I could go home. I grabbed a chair off the stack and walked back to the door.

As soon as I approached the door with the chair in my hand, the door slid open. The eraser fell and dirtied the hair of the most popular kid at school: Kakashi Hatake.

Regret took over as I watched the silver-haired boy stare at me as the eraser slid off his head. My mouth began to mouth rapidly but no sounds were heard.

He then looked down, stared at the eraser, and bent down to pick it up. "I haven't seen somebody do this since middle school," he said indifferently.

"I-I'm so sorry senpai!" I yelled with a bow, "It was meant as a joke for my teacher! I-I didn't mean--!"

"Relax," he said with a yawn as he walked passed me. He brushed the chalk from his hair and sat on the floor under the window. "Hmm, how should I put this...My first impression of you: you're an idiot."

His words pierced me like a dagger. 'My senpai thinks I'm an idiot...'

He then patted the floor next to him, inviting me to sit next to him. "Since you're already here, might as well come sit with me."

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