Chapter 27: The Second Timeline

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First Timeline's Naruko P.O.V

I was sick. Dying from the baby who grew within me, but I had to hold on. I had to give birth to this baby or I would have failed my husband as a wife.

"Naruko...I think we should do what the doctors recommended..." he whispered while helping me sit up.

I shook my head, upset at the mention of a possible abortion. "We're so close, Sasuke. If I give up now, then we won't ever have a family."

His expression was pained, but he tried his hardest to stay neutral. His hands shook as he reached for the bowl of soup he had prepared for me. "I know...but you're hurting," he said softly while grabbing the spoon to feed me.

I tucked a piece of my thinning hair behind my ear. "It's a small price to pay for a lifetime of happiness," I reassured with a smile.

I could tell he was still unconvinced. We were currently in a bad situation. I was bedridden, neither of us had jobs, and we were about to be evicted from our home. 

The panic I saw on my husband's face, tugged at my heart as he fed me. "Naruko, please...let's ask Jiraiya-san for help-"


"But we need it-!"

"Sasuke, I said no."

I knew we needed my grandfather's help, but I couldn't allow myself to depend on him. I was an adult, and I needed to figure this out for myself. I can't ask him for help...I've burdened my gramps enough...

Sasuke's worried look quickly turned into anger. "I don't understand. Why can't we ask for help-?!"

"Because I said no-!" I yelled back before coughing.

Sasuke quickly placed the bowl down before helping me to regain my strength. In the last few months, Sasuke had been caring for me as my body was almost unable to function.

I felt like a failure. An embarrassment even. I was unable to be a good wife or even become a mother. I couldn't help provide, do chores, or help my husband when he needed any. All I could do was lay down, and hope that this time I could actually give him the family he deserves.

I held back the tears as I felt my body start to malfunction as I wet the bed. It was humiliating. I couldn't do or control anything anymore. My body was giving up on me, but I had to stay alive long enough to give birth. 

"Sorry..." I mumbled while clutching the bedsheets in shame. 

"It's okay," he reassured with a pained smile, "The bath is already ready...I'll go grab the spray and be back to clean the mattress." 

I sighed, upset at myself and the situation I found myself in. This isn't fair...Why am I so useless...?

"Naruko," he whispered sweetly as one of his hands reached for my clenched fist and the other caressed my cheek. He tried his hardest to comfort me despite being the one who needed the most support. Over the last three months, I could see my husband's spirit breaking, and my condition made it worse. 

"I'm sorry, Sasuke," I whispered, "I didn't mean to be a burden."

He kissed my forehead before standing up. "It's okay, Naruko. That's what I'm here for," he said softly before leaving to grab the stain remover to clean the bed. 

No...this isn't how it's supposed to be...I'm supposed to be making you happy...

I clutched the ends of my shirt in frustration. Tears wanted to slip, but I couldn't allow my husband to see me cry. I had to keep smiling for our sake. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry-

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