1.The man from the street

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Your name is Y/N Yagi. You are the daughter of the great All Might, but to your disappointment, All might is not a very good father. In fact, he tries his best, but the situation and debt always made him absent. You got it, he was the strongest hero in the world. He wanted to be killed by other people and yes, you got it. But you were a little child and you needed your father. This led to your parents arguing and unfortunately your mother's dramatic return as a villain. "Remember Y/N. Your father is a good hero, but he couldn't save what was more important" your mother told you the day she left. You didn't hear anything from your mother until you were 14. And then you heard from Gran Torino. He told you that your mother is a villain now.

Years passed, and you became a big and beautiful woman. All Might was proud that you were his daughter, even though you still fight sometimes. Now you were a 20-year-old young heroine. You were strong, but unfortunately, you refused to be the new number-one hero. All Might wanted to give the One for All to you, but you refused, saying you wanted to be an ordinary hero. He understood but felt bad for you because of the quirk you possess.

It was a quiet day, you were walking down the street wearing your usual mask and a hoodie that hid your face. But someone recognized you immediately because of your eyes. This man started yelling continuously that you are a villain and that you should be arrested for your crimes. What crimes? You did not do anything. But out of fear you started to choose from that area, you ran to an alley where you hid. But you didn't notice a man with light blue hair who was right there. This young man looked at you confused and nervous. You disturbed his peace. He wanted to kill you but something stopped him and he continued to look at you as you started to cry.You were shaking and looking down at your hands as tears fell lightly from your eyes. "I don't understand...I didn't do anything and they keep accusing me" you said with a slightly broken heart.

After you calmed down you had the strength to look around and see him. You flinched a little and looked at him. "What are you looking at like that?" he asked in a very meaningful way. You flinched even more and started to take steps backwards. You didn't know who he was, but you knew from his tone that it would be best to run away from him.

When he noticed that you were trying to move away, he started to take steps towards you. He was close to you, but suddenly you both stopped when he heard a voice. "Hey, you! Miss! Don't you dare attack that boy!" You flinched and he looked confused at you and then at the slowly approaching hero. "You must pay for your crimes!" The hero screamed, and you instinctively pushed the man in front of you to the side and started to run, chased by that hero.

You ran as fast as you could, you couldn't use your quirk because it would have hurt him, so you wanted to hide. But it was too late, the hero managed to arrest you and hand you over to a prison where you were immediately imprisoned.

Shigaraki's POV:

"I don't understand why or how, but that girl from the alley is always in my head, I started having dreams about her. What the hell did he do to me? He didn't even talk to me!" Shigaraki says to himself then turns on the TV. He wants information, he wants to know who you are and if you're a villain. So he sat down in front of the TV, Kurogiri was pouring him some whiskey when a picture of your face appeared on the TV.

TV presenter: "Y/N Yagi was accused of plotting against the heroes because of her quirk. Her father, our number one hero, All Might deny that his daughter is a villain and demands that his little girl be released from the prison in which she was imprisoned." Shigaraki's mouth dropped open in shock. Y/N Yagi, you are the daughter of the great All Might. There was an interview on TV with All Might justifying what you did.

All Might: My daughter is accused of being a villain for saving two villains from death. Are you serious?! She is a hero! She must defend the people! Of course, she's going to save a villain too." All Might said a bit frustrated at people's reaction to your actions. Throughout the interview, All Might explain what happened. Finally, Kurogiri turned off the TV as Shigaraki stood up.
"Tomura Shigaraki, it seems that this girl is the daughter of your enemy. But she is called a villain because she saved other villains. What are you going to do?" Kurogiri asked looking at Tomura. Shigaraki said nothing, not understanding what was on his mind.

  ,, Kurogiri. I don't care who her father is. I want that girl." Shigaraki finally said, this made Kurogiri flinch but he nodded his head approvingly then walked away leaving Shigaraki alone. "She did something to me, it's weird," he Tomura said with his hand on his chest and his eyes closed.

You will be mine..Y/N.

(HEY GUYS! Yes, yes..this is exactly like the beginning of Bhna x reader scenarios. I wanted to make a book out of it. Hope you like it <3)

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