5.The second week

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However, Shigaraki was still a bad man. You couldn't change that, yes he had that moment in the alley. But that was it, you were waiting and still praying for All Might to come to your rescue. What is taking so long? Why doesn't he come? You did not know. You didn't know anything. And this day will become a nightmare for you.

You were staying in Shigaraki's room. Yours, somehow you were both standing there and this was strange. Even more strange was that he didn't often enter the room, so you stayed the most. But today is a strange day. Shigaraki is here, looking angrily through the papers for something. And you look at him without any expression, just like that. To annoy him. You had a lot of fun when you pissed him off, but he pissed you off when he pretended not to see or hear you. "Oi...Hand face...or whatever your name is.." you started but he stopped you. "Tomura, you can call me Tomura." he said taking a paper and smiling to himself he was looking at you. "What? You look like you saw a ghost...Are you okay?" he said. It was weird asking you how you were feeling. He, the man who kidnapped you. But it felt good.

His red eyes were fixed on you. He didn't have a normal expression, that expression of nerves and frustration. He seemed very calm. You smiled a little then looked away. "Oh please...Fine. Tomura, what were you looking for?" you asked looking back at him. You were only allowed to touch the games and the tv. The rest was off-limits. You didn't understand why, but you didn't touch them. "I needed this for a plan. It's the map of the city," he answered and then left, you didn't feel very well. It seemed like he was avoiding being around you. And he was. He was avoiding being near you. Not because you had done anything wrong, but because of the way that he felt around you. You were the only person who somehow didn't annoy him, and made him feel good and that frustrated him even though he liked it.


You always felt that somehow they were trying to win you over to their side. Be bad. But you were a hero, you can't be bad. You cannot deny what you are. Only today is different. They talk different things about All Might. You hear them, but you don't say anything. Then Shigaraki calls you to his side. "You're waiting for All Might to save you, but look. He replaced you in a week." he said then turned on the tv to the news where All Might was standing next to a slightly younger girl and she called him dad hugging him. Your heart stopped, you were in tears and it was inevitable. You started crying, you didn't want to believe anything. "This is bullshit! All Might hurt my friend..he has to pay" Toga said nervously, then hugged you as you you were crying. The whole interview that girl sat next to your father. You couldn't take this anymore so you hit the tv and it broke. "Your father left you here." Shigaraki said and stand up looking seriously at you. Toga was still hugging you when she said "It doesn't matter, you have us, villains and we will take care of you. They accused you of being a villain. Show them what a villain is!" She encouraged you, but you gently pushed her aside and walked into Shigaraki's room to cry in silence.

It was a bad dream, it must be a bad dream. How to do that?! How could he do such a thing to his own daughter? Crying you felt like your world was falling apart and eventually you fell asleep on the floor where you cried. The villains felt bad, especially since it was all a lie that Shigaraki made up to make you hate All Might. All for one wanted your power, you were the key to All Might's destruction. They have to get you on their side, and manipulation and pain were the best methods.

"I can believe she cried that much." was Dabi's comment but it ended soon because Shigaraki walked into his room and looked at you. "You poor thing. Admiring him that much and hopping for him to come for you... They didn't save me, they won't save you." Shigaraki said and slowly placed a blanket on you. He felt a bit guilty in his chest, yeah. He wanted you to hate All Might, but he doesn't want you to hurt yourself in the progress. But between the power and you, he wants the power. You're just a hero who makes his mission hard.

Shigaraki walked out of the room and closed the door softly, quietly. He didn't want to wake you up. It was the only way, the only way he could somehow convince you to join them. But will you join the villains? Will you serve All for one for the destruction of hundreds of people? Maybe you will because now you hate their hero. Well,at least that's what they think you do. That day they didn't bother you like always. You slept most of the time and came out of the room just to eat, and as always Shigaraki wasn't around. He came back at night but didn't enter his room. He preferred to stay at the bar to drink something and talk with Kurogiri.


The second week since you were kidnapped: You didn't interact much with others because you were sad. The only person you talked to was Shigaraki when he came back. He was injured, probably fought some heroes. You could hear him moaning in pain so you opened the door for him to come inside. He came in without saying anything and threw himself into bed. You looked at him confused and kind of worried. You took a deep breath and forced a small smile then walked over to him and began examining his wound. He flinched and looked at you. His red eyes looked at you with a surprise that was hard to explain. He had a deep wound in the knee area.

"Can you...?" you asked him referring to his pants. He pulled his pants up to the wound, it was a bullet wound. You stood up and went to get a first aid kit (Kurogiri told you about that kit in case you needed it. He said they don't use them, but in case you need it you can take it.) You brought the kit and disinfected the wound, easily without causing him any pain you managed to take care of that wound. Shigaraki didn't say anything, watching you carefully as you touched him without trembling or looking nervous.

After you bandaged him you took the first aid kit to the place and returned to him giving him a pill to cancel the pain. He took it easily from your hand, his hands were cold. Like ice, as if his body was devoid of any kind of heat. His gaze was devoid of any kind of feeling. He was tired. He took the pill and lay down on the bed with his back to you, he closed his eyes concentrating on sleeping. He wanted to sleep, but he couldn't. He was cold. He seemed to be sleeping, he was awake but with his eyes closed. You got closer. You placed a blanket lightly over him, being careful not to put it on suddenly so as not to make him startle. You covered him with the blanket then left the room and offered to help Kurogiri with some work he had to do.

Leaving him in the room, Shigaraki turned and looked at the ceiling in thought. It's been two weeks since you've been here, AFO hasn't found any exact method to manipulate you. So Shigaraki has to suffer until then. He's suffering, isn't he? Yes, he suffers because he doesn't understand why he doesn't want to kill you. He doesn't understand why, he has no idea how. He felt the need to do it. The urge to kill you was strong and weak at the same time. It was something else, stronger. Something Kurogiri referred to as affection. Something Shigaraki never felt again. Don't remember him feeling it. He feels something. But he can't feel anything, he's not allowed to give up to the plan for such some feelings. You should be the one who has feelings for him,not him for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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