3. "Yeah, I'm a monster "

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You were still playing that game on the TV and Shigaraki was irritatingly staring at you. Finally, you noticed his look that made you feel uncomfortable. You felt more in danger. Shivering you decided to put the console away and sit still without any movement. This gesture annoyed Shigaraki who frowned looking at you. "What? Did I say you to stop your game?" he asked in a slightly dry voice. "N-No.." you replied slowly trying to avoid his gaze.

"Then keep playing, it's not like I'm going to stop you. Just don't make any noise, I'm trying to take some rest." he said then sat on the bed scratching his neck repeatedly. You picked up the console and continued to play, but he was watching you from the bed with a stern and subjective look. "I wouldn't go that way" he said and you flinched. "I wouldn't go left. Go right to that warehouse to get ammo." Shigaraki said trying to familiarize you with how you should play. You did exactly as he said and somehow managed to get past the danger zone. He offered a weak smile and then lay back on the bed. "Don't ruin my awesome score, though, for the first time, you play better alone than with me." Ignoring his comment you continued to play for another hour then turned off the TV gently as Shigaraki was sleeping.

You stepped out of the room and looked at the bar. You were hungry, the idiot of Shigaraki didn't give you anything to eat. So you went looking alone. "Are you looking for something?" a voice asked from behind you, you flinched and threw yourself to the floor on impulse then looked shakily back at Kurogiri who seemed to be looking at you worriedly. "I apologize for my sudden intervention. I happened to be in the area and saw you. Excuse me, but were you trying to run away?" Kurogiri said gently grabbing your hand and letting you sit on the bar stool.

"No..I just wanted to get something to eat, I'm hungry.." you answered calmly, Kurogiri gave you a glass of water and then brought you a sandwich that he put on a plate. You started eating quietly. "You're lucky because Shigaraki didn't want to kill you. " Kurogiri said as he wiped some glasses. How can this be luck? Does he have any idea how much you're suffering? They have no idea, you feel alone and afraid. But all your life you lived in fear. Then you realized, you can escape if you use your quirk. But to use it you have to have direct contact with them. And that grinds you down. "We know everything about you Y/N. " this sentence left you with a bitter taste.

"Your quirk is a dangerous one. Unlike other heroes with similar quirks, you destroy people externally as you wish. How did you notice you have this quirk?" Kurogiri said looking at you, your hands started to shake, you had no idea that behind you was Shigaraki who woke up. "I-I found out by accident when I touched my dad." you said with a trembling voice remembering the moment. That's right, you found out what quirk you have one day. You hugged All Might and your quirk activated. You burned him on his abdomen. It was a superficial burn, but the event left you scarred.

"The ability to control fire is important. But you can't control it, you can kill or seriously injure some people ." Kurogiri said. "Yeah, that's right. And I'll never become a real hero because my quirk scares people" you said then looked at him blankly some expression. "Too bad you didn't inherit your father's quirk. " Kurogiri said and you looked down. "And also,my mom is capable of burning people inside just by touching them. I have to wait 5 seconds to activate my quirk just to burn their skin..Those seconds make the difference in all situations.." you said with hesitation in your heart.

"This quirk is monstrous. The ability to kill someone in this way is fantastic. How did All Might escape so easy from your accidental touch?" Shigaraki suddenly asked, you startled so hard that you fell off your chair and hit your head. Kurogiri came and helped you up. You looked at Shigaraki, and on impulse, you tried to attack him. It was your impulse and your attempt to live. He kidnapped you and suddenly appeared from your back again,that just scared you. Indeed, he had treated you well until then. But now with you trying to eliminate him, how will you survive?

You quickly moved in his direction trying to touch him, unfortunately, Kurogiri was in the phase and made you touch the table instead of Shigaraki. But this act annoyed Tomura, who behaved well with you and you wanted to repay him like that. Trembling, you looked at him because you realized you had done something bad, but there was nothing you could do. His disappointing look was beating you. "So then. Let me show you what you get for this type of behaviour." was what he said then he grabbed your hand pulling you into his room. You tried to struggle and he slammed you to the floor closing the door.

After throwing you on the floor he searched for something muttering. "That's why I hate everyone. You are nice to them and they try to kill you. Big mistake." he said, you covered your ears not wanting to hear him. This gesture pissed him off to the max, he grabbed you by the neck and was grinning madly. "What?! Are you scared? Look at you, you're horrible! Come on! Use it. Kill me with your quirk!" he said and placed your hand on his chest. His heart was beating fast, but his gaze was waiting for you to do something. Instead, you didn't move, you didn't speak you acted like you were dead.

Pulling aside he sat on the bed and looked at you coughing and trying to catch your breath. "You are miserable. You disgust me." he said and then you glared at him. "Me?! Am I the disgusting person here?! Look in a mirror! Your skin is dry and you should use some moisturizer complexion to look a bit better, your hair is an embarrassing colour. You are rude and a man who kills people for his pleasure. A real monster. And you're sick of me?" you said all this in anger. He was shocked and angry at the same time. No one had ever yelled at him like that before,no one dared to look in the way you look at him. Him, Tomura Shigaraki, Symbol of fear.. (Well..after his father.)But later you regretted this. "Yeah, I'm a monster," he said standing up and then walking out of the room. Where he locked you in and left you to cry all night. Instead, he decided to think of a way to revenge himself for all that you have done until then.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" Kurogiri asked Shigaraki. "I know that's the order, but that girl did it on instinct." Shigaraki looked at Kurogiri and began to scratch his neck hard enough that his neck began to bleed slightly. This alarmed Kurogiri, who begged him to stop and do something else. Somehow Shigaraki was disappointed in you, but also proud and angry. Those feelings made him scratch his neck now. Those feelings make him be in the way he is. He's annoyed. But not because of you. "I won't kill her. But she should pay for it. I don't want to let the impression that I'm weak or scared make her cry. I don't care about her."

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