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Addilyn's POV (after Jude's and Phoebe's date)

“ Yeah I know right? This movie is amazing!”
I was currently on a FaceTime with Jobe while Phoebe was out to get us some coffee. She really needed that after her date with Jude.We were talking about a new film that was very much epic

“My favourite part has to be the graphics. I mean come on that dude has lighting running through his veins and they made it look freaking real!” Jobe said while trowing his hands in the air

“ My favourite part has to be THE dude. He was looking way too hot for me to notice any graphic.” I said trying to tease Jobe a little bit
and from the look on his face I think I succeeded

“ Come on Lynnie don’t do me like that. He is not THAT good looking. Now that I am thinking about it he is kind of average.” He said groaning and then putting a proud smile on

But something in his sentence made my stomach tingle. He called me “Lynnie”
Nobody calls me that. Only the people that I am very very close to and I am surprisingly not weirded out. I want to hear him say it more

“ Average. Are you alright sir?” I said trying to play it cool after what happened to my stomach

“Alright he is good! Can we not talk about that anymore?” He said groaning

“Aha. Okay what would you like to talk about? But just have in mind that we don’t have long because Phoebs is going to be here soon.” I said ruining the mood but speaking the facts

“ Um. W-Would you like, like to go out with me sometime?” He stuttered getting all red

I smiled hard “ I would love to go out with you Bellingham. “ At that he smiled too, releasing a sigh of relief

“-But on one condition.” His smiled faded away and that made me smirk

“ W-What condition?” He said rubbing the back of his neck

“It has to be a date. And you need to be on your flirty little side”

At first he got all red on that but quickly got over it
And the he said something that made ME all red

“ I am always on my flirty side when I am with you Addilyn.” He said looking directly at my eyes through the screen

Before I got to respond something I heard the door being unlocked. And that meant that Phoebs was here

“Um Jobe, thanks for keeping me company,  it was great but I have to hang up now because Phoebs is here. Just let me know when you are free”

“ Again. I am always free for you. Bye Lynnie!” He winked and waved his hand

“B-Bye!” I said kind of frozen. I really enjoyed that side of Jobe after all.


Phoebe's POV (the next day)

"How was your day yesterday?",Thomas asked me as we were walking into the stadium.

"Um it was great.I had a lot of fun with Addilyn.",I didn't want to go into details about my date with Jude so I tried to avoided it as much as I could.

"Well you know,we can go out sometime together"he said and winked to me.

"Yeah..sure.",I replied faking a smile.He is a nice guy but I could never see him as something more than a friend.Well,he was not even a one yet."Well,I have to go to the bathroom now,um see you later",I told him and went straight to the WC

"Good Morning Gentile",I heard Jude from behind me.
He was already on his team's kit.Looking fine as hell.

"Oh,good morning Bellingham,how are you?",I said and walked closer to him.

"Great,I really enjoy having you around you know.",he told me and gave me a smirk.

God he is so handsome.

"I'll take that as a compliment.Thank you,I also like your company."

"So,what's the schedule for today?Are you gonna stand in front of me and ask me questions making me all nervous because of how pretty you're gonna look?"his words made my face the darkest shade of red.

I just stood there and smiled to him without saying a word.I didn't know how to react.Flirting is not my thing so the only thing I could do was stare into his eyes.
His eyes.They are so beautiful and mysterious,yet so simple.

"You are so cute when you get shy,Gentile.I like the colour of your cheeks that way."he said winking at me and walked outside to the field.

Why am I so awkward?Why didn't I say anything to him?This might would have turned into a very nice flirting conversation.

When I went to the field,the team was warming up so I took the chance and prepared my questions for later.

Jude was right before.I was about to interview him.But I couldn't say anything with him looking at me like that.


When they finished their warming up process and did some practice sessions I went to the interview room and waited for Jude to make his appearance.
I hadn't done such things with anyone else.That was because my coworkers were chosen to interview the other players and because Jude was a favorite of many,so I had to take a lot of footage of him.

"Hello again Gentile,ready for the interview?",he said as soon as he got into the room

"Yeah,I am ready.Now sit down and make yourself comfortable.I want this interview to look like a chill discussion between friends."I told him because this is what the production team had suggested me to do.

When he sat down next to me on the couch,I realised that even though he had been playing for an hour,he still smelled nice.He may understood me,because he let out a small laugh.

"Hey everyone,I am here with the one and only Jude Bellingham, to discuss about his first ever World Cup and what he thinks of it."I said as soon as the cameraman shouted 'action'.

The interview went pretty well.Jude has a way with his words,so it didn't seem awkward at all.I really adore this about him.How comfortable he looks with everyone even if he doesn't know them.
I also noticed how smiley he was through out the process. He never stopped smiling,even when he was talking.I don't know if it was because of me or because he liked all this focus on himself so I decided to ask him.

"I noticed how big your smile was during the interview.You really like that process,don't you?",I told him as we were walking back to the field.

"Only because of you",he said giving me a smile.Nobody had ever told me something like that before.He was so sweet and gentle with me.

"You really know how to speak to ladies,Bellingham.I am giving you that."

"Only to those I am interested in.Anyways,I gotta continue my practice. See you later beautiful"

"Good luck Bellingham",I replied to him and went to find Addilyn so that we could return to the hotel.

Wow.Today's work was surely a success.

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