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Jude's POV

(Right after their date)

Wow. She is indeed the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.Everything about her is heavenly. Her eyes,her smile. The thought of her touch sends goosebumps down my spine.

I needed someone to talk to so I called my brother.

"Hey how did it go?",he said as soon as he answered my call.

"Uhh,I can't even explain how I feel Jobe. It's just.. oh everything about Phoebe is ... I don't know .. magical.
I have never felt this way about anyone.",I said smiling hard of the thought of her.

"Well,you indeed sound mesmerized by her. I really hope everything will work out for you guys. I really do"

"I hope so.You know,we have to keep it a secret.Otherwise she will probably lose her job and things will go down the hill for me"

"Don't think negative,  nothing bad is going to happen if both of you are responsible of your actions"

"Yeah I know. Anyways, good night Jobe. I'll see you tomorrow",I said and hang up.

It was the most beautiful night of my life.

(2 days later)

Today, I woke up very excited to see Phoebe. I can't believe we had actually kissed. I was such a lucky guy.

When I got ready I realized how close the start of the World Cup was.
Only a month way till my whole life would change and hopefully for the better.

I entered the stadium and went straight for exercise. While I was  training with my team I searched for Phoebe. I hadn't seen her anywhere  and she hadn't answered my calls.

"Hey, are you listening to me?", Mason said while slightly hitting my arm.
We had finished our training and heading to the changing rooms.
My mind wa still on Phoebe.

"Uh yeah yeah sorry. Go on, tell me "

"Well maybe another time.I guess you would like to talk to her"he said pointing at her. Gentile was finally here.

She was smiling at me and waving. She looked so cute. I could see how red her cheeks were even from here.

I went closer to her. Gosh she smelled great.

"Good morning pretty.How are you?"I said while placing a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Good morning Jude.",she said and kissed my cheek after making sure no one was near.

" You got me worried for a sec. I almost thought you didn't enjoy my company two nights ago... even though that's impossible" I teased

She immediately nudged my bicep
"Shush it. Will you?" Her lips coming closer to mine
"Even though i can't say i didn't..." She said giving my lips a small peck

When she pulled away I heard my self groaning and she did too. I really couldn't get enough of her and she knew that

"Don't worry. Once we are over with work, you are going to have as much of them as you want" she said pitching my cheeks while turning away

"Don't miss me too much" she said leaving looking like a goddess

Call it what you want // jude bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now