1. love letter~

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Yeonjun POV

Another day of uni and I was heading towards my locker with my friends, Beomgyu and Jungsu. As usual, I found a note inside my locker.
"Let us atleast see this love letter~" Beomgyu said, more like sang
"Aish! How many times do I tell you, its not a love letter! Its just a note!" I told it probably the hundredth time.
"What do you mean just a note? She puts those poems you never tell us about there every fucking day!" He argued while I paid no attention to him and opened the note while facing them, making sure they don't peek.

Want to stare into your eyes so brown
Knowing that if I do, I might drown
Seeing you, removes my frown
When do you plan to pin me down?...

~Your secret <3

I chuckled as I read the small note.
It had almost been a month and a half since I started getting these cute notes. To be honest, it makes my day.
How can someone be so cute? So creative? And so comfortable even without knowing who they are?
Her notes never made me feel uncomfortable but rather feel more confident and happy.

"Yeah yeah, keep on smiling, why do you need to tell your best friends anyway?" Jungsu sarcastically said.
"Yah! I just respect her descision to be remained as a secret!" I defended, while folding the note and putting it in my pocket. Though, even if she wouldn't have written to be kept as a secret, I would have still kept her as one.

"Do you have any clue who she is?" Beomgyu asked as we started walking towards our class.

"Probably someone from our class.." I wondered, even I wanted to know her.
"WOW! I didn't even know!" Jungsu said faking his amusement as I rolled my eyes and entered the class.

Kang Minji POV

I was looking out of the window when Yeonjun and his group of friends entered the classroom and sat in their places. We shared only English and mathematics class as our choices of subjects were different. Beomgyu sat next to me as the teacher had assigned our seats. Can't blame her, we were indeed one of the most naughtiest, annoying and uncontrollable classes in the school's history...
"Hi! Did you complete your English essay?" I asked Beomgyu, whom I was kinda friends with. I mean, the teacher didn't expect us to not make new friends, right?
"Fuck! We had homework?!" He sweared, while putting his head down on his desk.
"Mhmm" I replied, as the teacher walked into the class.

"Good morning class" she said, not so enthusiastically. A few students greeted her back while the others were busy tattering their tales.
She took our attendance, asked if our homework was done and then walked out of the class as the math sir entered. The class I dread the most, even the teacher. Mr.Kim isn't someone you mess with...

We were in the middle of the class when I heard Beomgyu whispering my name,
"Yah, Kang Minji!" he whispered, trying his best to be heard as well as not heard.
'What?' I mouthed to him, taking glances at him and then back at Mr.Kim, making sure he doesn't see.
"Can you copy paste your essay for me, pleasee" he pleaded
"Are you mad?! We will get caught!" I whisper shouted, trying my best not to be heard.
"We won't, I promise! I'll treat you ice cream after school, pleasee"
"Umm... Fine! Give me your book, I'll give it to you before English class, arasso?"
"Okayy! Did I ever tell you how good you are?"
"No." I said with a blank expression
"Well, you are soooo good Minjiii! You are the best! Better than my friends! Happy?" he said, obviously going too ahead.
"You should speak less" I said chuckling.

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