17. who is he

15 4 46

Minji POV

The memorial was around late in the morning. My family had already arrived and so had the others. The paid their respect and went to the sitting area. Everyone was seated there along with the two males in my family except me...

I was still sitting in the room where mom's photo, flowers for her and other items were kept. I had worn a black hanbok and my hair was tied into a pony with two white ribbon clips on either side.

I didn't feel like eating.

Yeonjun and his family had come too. Mrs.Choi told me she'll always be there for me and I could treat her as my mom... But I don't think I can ever do that...

Yeonjun passed me a sorry smile as he almost hugged me but then backed away when I tensed. Soobin saw that but decided to keep quiet and hug me. I never gave a reaction... 

I had thought I wouldn't feel that bad during the ceremony as it has been 4 years already but it felt like all the melancholy, sadness and loneliness enveloped even stronger around me. I felt like a living dead, and looked like one too.

And what made me feel worse was that even during this, I couldn't help but think of the previous events at school.

I hate myself for thinking of some boy when it's my mom's memorial.
4 years...
4 years without her.....
Without him...

I was seated in the main hall, away from all the visitors, staring at the silver and blue bracelet in my hand. It was decorated with celestial bodies...
I was unconsciously playing with it. one of the bead that had an attached star, one had a moon, one comets and another Saturn.

I had bought it when I was away. Maybe I would gift him one when I returned. But I guess I'll keep it with me now.

I could feel glances at me, one of them being Yeonjun's but I paid no attention to any.. too busy trying to suppress the tears.

"Your bracelet is pretty" I heard a voice say.
It was unfamiliar.

I looked up to see a blonde guy, presumably of my age, kneeling down beside me.
I hadn't even noticed him come next to me.

Who is he?

As if sensing my questions, he introduced, "Oh! And call me Kai" he said with a smile.
His smile is the type that is contagious.

I smiled back at him. After all, he was the only one who wasn't here to just pity me.
He had paid his respects and now he was talking to me as if we were friends for long.

The thought made my mind deviate towards the person who was supposed to be the friend I knew for long...

"The moon looks pretty" he compliments but doesn't look at the bracelet, but at me.

"Myself, Minji" I introduce, regaining my voice, ignoring the earlier comment. It comes out a bit hoarse but still understandable.

"I'm new here. I used to live out of the country before" he informed after nodding at my introduction.

"Me too! I mean I did live here once but I was away for 4 years..." I said and he chuckled. I was happy to find someone who could somewhat related to me.

Lia had always been here and Karina had been here for about 3 years. I was the new one.
New to my changed neighborhood.
New to my uni.
New to everything.

And I was glad to meet someone else new too.

"Any recommendations for a uni? Though my dad insists I go to the Blue Ivy one" he asks.

"That's a good one. I go there too." I give him a smile which he returns.

"Guess I have one problem less" he shrugged, taking a seat beside me.

"Glad to help. Did you shift already?"
The boy has somehow diverted my mind entirely. The feeling of sadness seemed distant.

And I couldn't even blame it on myself. I mean, one can't grieve forever and neither would mom want that.

"Yeah, just alot of unpacking left" he chuckled.
The sound made me focus on his pink lips but then I refocused it on his chocolate brown eyes after mentally scolding myself a bit.

"Maybe I can help" I insisted. Anyway I needed something to distract myself with.

"Uh- you don't have to-"
"Please~ I have nothing to do at the weekend anyway."

"Haha fine, I'll text you the address later. Don't forget too give me your number later" he chuckled and i did too.

I had forgotten my surroundings completely, talking to him, distracting myself from all the pains.

And just like that the memorial had passed. The only person I had talked to was Kai and luckily there were no other guests after him.

The memorial had come to an end and me and Kai were outside the building.

"And this is my daughter, Minji" my dad introduced me to this one uncle I had never seen as they both walked towards me and Kai. I bowed slightly sitting my respect to the unknown guy.

"She's quite grown up now" he chuckled and continued "myself, Mr. Kamal, Kai's dad" the man introduced as he brought his hand towards me to accept.
We shook hands.

Turns out his dad and mine went to the same college.
No wonder his dad knew my mom.

Later, during the car ride with my dad and brother, I got to know that his mom and dad were divorced and he lived with his dad while his two sisters lived with his mom.

Yeonjun didn't make any attempt to speak with me and I was glad about it. And yet, another part of me wanted him to be the one next to me, making me smile, comforting me.

But then life is never really how you want it to be, is it?

.ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ.

(Did I decide that the Huening siblings cannot not exist? Yes. And that's why: this! Tada!~
But they aren't in this book.... Or are they...?)
(P.S. I have no idea where this plot is going... HELP ME.)


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