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Minji POV

It had been a week since the other incident...
Not that I had ignored anyone but Yeonjun had still not accepted my apology..

But I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't forgive me either...
But I won't give up! I'll do anything to have him back!

"Don't you think you've been spending too much time with the boys??? What about us?" Lia said as she and Karina stood near my desk when I was about to make my way to the cafeteria to sit with them.
The courtesy of Jungsu.

"We get it that you are probably in... lOvE with Yeonjun but spare some time with us too you know.." Karina added while making a face at the mention of the 4-letter word.
"I'm NOT in love! And it's not that I don't want to spend time with you guys, its just... complicated" I deadpanned while glaring at Lia who was trying to unlock my phone, locking it in the process.
She strongly believed that I had something in my phone related to Yeonjun, which I did but she didn't need to know it.... Right? Hehe.

"Then what is it? You can tell us.." Lia said, her voice softening, she wasn't the mum of the group for nothing!
"Okay! So Jungsu knows about my crush on Yeonjun and just so he doesn't tell anyone, I have to listen to him! And he insists on sitting together at lunch everytime! And no, both of you are not going to do anything! But you can join me, I'll introduce you guys!"

"That's shit! You want me to find out something about him to blackmail him???" Karina said, already unlocking her phone. She and her social media. I mentally rolled my eyes and yet adored the way she was protective over me before I snatched her phone.
"No, we are not doing anything, remember? Now let's go!" I said as I dragged the two females behind me.

-x- Cafeteria -x-

"Hey guys! Meet my bitches! Lia and Jimin!" I introduced as we reached their table in the cafeteria with a bright smile upon my face.
"Karina would be fine" she said while looking at me like she was going to kill me afterwards....
Well, sheeeshh

"Hey." The trio replied looking at the girls.

I mentally facepalmed when they didn't introduce themselves after a while of waiting.

"So, this is Choi Beomgyu, the person who makes me do his homework!" I said playfully, earning a sheepish grin from him and soft laughter from the group.

"And this is Kim Jungsu... Whom we are going to be great friends with!" I added after seeing the way the girls were eyeing (glaring) at him.
Poor thing...

"And this is Choi Yeonjun..." I paused, unsure what to add onto
The one whom I left?
The one whom I like?
The one whose forgiveness I seek?
The one I miss?
Or my star?....

"Anyways! Do you mind if they join?" I asked, deciding that it was better if I didn't continue...
"Not at all!" They replied in union and Lia sat with Karina and Yeonjun with Jungsu leaving me with Beomgyu.

It hurt when Yeonjun made sure to not sit with me, but I knew it would hurt if I were to ever bring the old us back.

After 5 awkward minutes, Karina started talking trying to ease the atmosphere, which worked as all of them were talking now. It seemed like a perfect friend group!
If only they noticed the tension between Yeonjun and me...

At the end of the break, they had even exchanged numbers and made a group chat... Talk about being social.

And just like that, the day had ended...

I was on my bed after dinner when my phone chimmed.

Contacts in Minji's phone

Karina: Miss. AI✨
Lia: My bitch💋
Jungsu: Bullshit Guy
Beomgyu: Pretty Boi~                            (In Gyu's phone: Pretty Gurl~)
Yeonjun: Star💫


Bullshit Guy:
Hello crackheads!

Star 💫:
What's it!?

Miss. AI✨:

My bitch💋:

Greetings peasants!✌️

Pretty Boi~:
You missed me!
I'm a Prince😌

Trust me
I did not😉

Pretty Boi~:

Guys, this is a group chat
Flirt somewhere else!

Miss. AI✨:
Are u jealous???
THE Choi Yeonjun jealous!!!
(Screenshoted and saved for later
purposes 😏)

I'm leaving!

My bitch💋:
He didn't even deny....

Good night💫✌️

Pretty Boi~:
Sweet dreams minnnieee❤️

It's useless to make you
guys understand you know?
So I won't even bother

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the moon in his text...
He still remembers...

"Why you grinning so stupidly at your phone? Did my sister get a boyfriend???" My brother said while wriggling his eyebrows.

Does he not know how to knock on the door?
No he doesn't, sorry for asking!

"Learn to knock bitch!" I let out a annoyed huff as I switched off my phone and lay down.
"Respect bitch"
"Fuck off bitch"

"Anyway bitch, who was the new bitch?" He continued as he sat at the end of my bed.

"STOP SAYING BITCH!""Ohhk ohhk! Calm down squirrel!"

"That's my name for you""And I stole it, haha, now tell me, who's the unlucky cursed guy?"

"No one, just my friends..""Liar" he commented as I rolled my eyes"Fuck off!""Yeah okay! Goodnight.... BITCH!"
"AHHHH! Get lost!!!"

.ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ.

Extra chapter because it's THE Choi Yeonjun's birthday!!!


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