3. red

41 8 21

~At the icecream shop~

The warm air of the room filled my lungs as I entered the ice cream shop. The different scents of ice cream flavours teased my nose, my mouth had begin watering. We all sat down at a table with four seats. Beomgyu on my left, and Yeonjun in front of me while Jungsu sat diagonally.

"So what do you all want, I'll place the order" Beomgyu said while standing up.

"I want mint chocolate! With EXTRA chocolate chips!" I said, so sure about my order. I could see Beomgyu and Jungsu having disgusted faces, but Beomgyu nodded nevertheless.

"Finally! Someone who has a good taste!" Yeonjun screamed as if proud of me which made my heart go soft.
Could he still? No! Nevermind!

"Yeah whatever... What do you both want?" Beomgyu said while rolling his eyes.

Beomgyu went to give orders after Jungsu taking 'vanilla' and Yeonjun taking 'strawberry'. There was awkward silence...

Yup! There right moment for me to take out my phone! So I took out my phone and started scrolling through Pinterest to reduce the awkwardness.

"Yeonjun-shi!" Beomgyu practically sung as he came towards Yeonjun after a while.

Did he do something wrong again?

"What??" Yeonjun sighed, already knowing that his friend had done something.

"Well you see, I didn't have enough money to buy 4 ice creams soooo.... Strawberry is cancelled" Beomgyu basically whispered.

After Yeonjun giving Beomgyu a death glare and a 'do you wanna die' stare for 2 minutes straight, I stood up, again trying to save Gyu's ass.

"Well today Mr., is your lucky day! I'll go and buy your ice cream" I dramatically said to Yeonjun. At least I could do this for him?

Where TF so I keep getting this much confidence from?!!!

"No, it's fine, I'll just have it sometime else" Yeonjun replied, breaking his eye contact with Gyu and building it up with mine.
I'm so sorry

"Yah! It'll be awkward if only you don't have any ice cream while we are stuffing our faces! I'm going and buying!" I said as I walked away. Gyu should be thanking me for saving his ass again and again!

How does he get into so many situations!?
And still, I'm happy for this one...

I went, placed the order and came back to see Jungsu smiling at his phone, Gyu sulking in an corner and Yeonjun looking up from his phone to make his and my eyes greet.

After looking at anywhere except the masterpiece in front of me for about 5 awkward minutes, our ice creams came.

"Finally!! Woohoo!" Beomgyu said, forgetting that he was sulking not just a second ago.

We were eating our ice creams while talking and laughing as Yeonjun made jokes. That was like him...
I noticed a bit of chocolate ice cream below Beomgyu's lower lip and unconsciously rubbed it off using my thumb.

Only after doing it had I realised what I had done. And there I was, frozen in front of the three while my thumb was still touching a part of his lip and we were staring at each other with wide eyes.

Jungsu teasingly cleared his throat causing me and Beomgyu to back off from each other and awkwardly eat our ice creams. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jungsu smiling at Beomgyu in a teasing way and Yeonjun, well his face didn't leak any emotion which is quite abnormal cause his face never lacks emotion.

Me and Beomgyu ate our ice creams with red faces. If it weren't because of me, I would've teased him for being as red as a tomato. But I was red as tomato too so I decided to stay quiet.

We had our icecreams and then decided to leave if we wanted to reach home in time. Throughout the way, I kept staring at Yeonjun from the back... Now that I see it, what if he thinks that now I am weird? Or a creep? Or a playgirl? Or... I don't know! There are many things! WHAT IF HE THINKS I LIKE BEOMGYU?!!

Beomgyu and Jungsu lived at the other side of school and so parted ways while me and Yeonjun went towards the other side.

Gosh! Why did he have to live in the same direction as me?!!!

We didn't talk for the rest of the walk to my home.

After a long 15 minute walk, which was awkward and uncomfortable, we reached my home which came before his.

"Well, I'm here. Now you should head home too! And thanks for dropping me home" I said turning towards him and ignoring the elephant in the room. He looked too good even when he was doing something as minimalistic as putting his hands in his pockets while standing.

"Whatever! As if I was dropping you off!" He said while rolling his eyes. Ouch!

He was about to walk away when I spoke up, halting his footsteps and retracing them back to me.
"How long is this gonna go Yeonjun? I miss you! I truly do!" I said desperate for his affection.
He didn't speak a word but stayed there looking at me with a blank expression but I saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes.

"Please don't give me this silent treatment! Shout all you want! Do whatever you want... But please.... don't make me feel like I don't exist at all to you!" I bit back my tears that threatened to fall anytime.

"Let go off me Kang Minji! It's getting late!" He coldly remarked while loosening my grip on him and freeing himself.

"Please... Don't leave"
"Did you stay?!" He snapped but all I care is that he stays here, with me. I don't care if I'm being selfish.

"I know, I know, but I'm so sorry for that! I don't know what had gotten into my mind! Please!" He just stood there, silent as ever.

Just as I had turned my head and was gonna leave after getting no response, he turned me back by my shoulder and bend down to my level, such that our noses were practically touching.

"I'll make sure I'll repay you.... Soon" he said as he left while I stood there, processing, flustered.
It terrified me that there was more to come but I'm not giving up on him.

Which repay did he mean....

I don't know why but these simple words had meant too much to me..

These simple words running through my head the whole time.

These simple words meaning more than it should mean...

.ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ.



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