16. your moon

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Jungsu POV

I picked up the paper that Minji threw at Yeonjun as the hallway broke into whispers about the fight.

I decided to hand it over to Yeonjun before going to find Minji.

When I turned around the corner of one of the corridors, I saw him being pulled into one of the class rooms. What the fuck?

I was about to open the door and welcome myself in but then the words slipping out from a familiar voice made me stop my actions.

'I was the one writing you those letters... I caused the fight between you and Minji, didn't I?'


What the fuck? It was certainly not her who was writing the notes.

I tried peeping in from the designs of the blur glass beside the door of the classroom and I could see two figures really close to each other... Were they hugging?... What the fuck!

'So... About the notes and all... Since you already know, will you be my boyfriend?' WTF?!!! YEONJUN BETTER NOT AGREE!!

I was about to burst in but stopped my tracks when I heard the male's response.

'I- if I'm honest with you, I don't see you like that... You are like a friend to me.' what... I didn't expect that... Wasn't he dying to know about the person giving him notes?...

I heard footsteps coming this way, and I scurried over to another corridor, still peeping at the door.

My guess was right. Karina stepped out of the room, wiping away her tears. Her face changing from a sad, pitiful one to an annoyed one. She tuned towards the lockers, stomping out.

Just as she left, I entered the classroom to see Yeonjun, leaning on one of the desks. His head which was previously starring at the ceiling snapped towards my direction.

"You shouldn't have said that" I told while remove the creases from the paper that Minji had thrown at him.

"Ugh! Don't remind me" he mumbled, not noticing the piece of paper in my hand and turning his head back to the previous position.

"Do you really believe her? Karina, I mean." I questioned, getting annoyed as I walked towards him. The question made him turn towards me again.

"Why were you eavesdropping?" He frowned.

"That's not the fucking point! I cant believe you are so fucking dumb, Choi Yeonjun!" I spat out as I handed him the paper and walked out and made my way to the rooftop. Minji would surely be there...

Yeonjun POV

I bent down to pick up the paper that Jungsu threw at me. What's with people and throwing papers at me?!

As I picked it up, I found the note to be the same one that Minji had in her hand in the morning..

Out of curiosity, I opened it and read it...

I'm sorry that you have been wronged...
...but I can't deny that this isn't what I've longed

None of us want this,
Neither you nor me
So can we forget all this and
go back to how it used to be?

Without the moon
The stars look jaded
And without my stars
The moon looks faded

Now that the sky has its moon
It doesn't have the stars
I know I wasn't soon
But let's stop these indirect wars

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