chapter v

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i had managed to convince enid to go on a run with me. not a proper one like the adults, but one where we just sneak off during the day and scavenge in the woods.

after living in them for so long, i knew them all too well, and quickly navigated us to some untouched houses. there werent many, but they were all full with things for us to scavenge.

there wasn't much food or anything, but that was okay. we weren't looking for necessities - the adults did that on their proper runs. we were just looking for things to fill our house with, to make it home. we had hit the jackpot too. the first house we went in, i found a sketchbook and watercolour paints laying on the kitchen desk. i instantly bagged them, and ran up the stairs. as i suspected, the paints had belonged to a teenage girl, and her room was full of so many desires. i took many cute decorations from the room, and then found a real treasure. a polaroid! i gasp, and rush to enid, forcing her to take a picture with me. i let it print, before placing both carefully in my backpack. she was my size, too, so i took several items of clothing for me and enid to share.

moving on, i found a teenage boy's room. i rush inside, instantly thinking of ron. the room had a gaming console, the same one as ron, so i took all of the games i could find. enid poked her head round the door, questioning what i was doing. "oh- just.. getting stuff for ron." i say, shamefully looking down as i feel my cheeks heating up. "busted! i knew you liked him you little liar" she laughed, moving on to another room.

by the time we had finished, our bags were completely full - and we had taken more from the houses, which were also filled to the brim. we lugged our treasures back, and over the wall, rushing to our house, desperate to decorate it. i stored away all of my new clothes, so grateful i didn't need to wear these shapeless 3 sizes too big mens' clothing anymore. i empty my bag onto my bed, and instantly start decorating my walls. by the time we had finished, our house fully felt like home. my desk had the art supplies on it, ready for me to do some paintings, and i had hung up the polaroid of me and enid on a string with a peg that i had found lying around. even our kitchen felt at home - we had found some cute salt and pepper shakers, and many other little trinkets to decorate.

i throw the last blanket over our couch, and then make my way back to my room, getting changed into a cute summer dress i had found. i clean myself up a bit, letting my long hair down and washing my face from the dirt, before grabbing the polaroid and going to take more photos. i don't see ron for a while, so i take pictures of everything i see that makes me happy - carol baking cookies, judith and carl, maggie and glenn. which, even though i don't know them very well at all, they have already instantly made me feel at home and they feel like family.

finally, i spot ron playing football with his brother. i take a candid photo of them playing before they notice me, and then make my way over to them. ron stops mid-game to stare at me, before realising what he was doing.
"hi! i like your dress. also where have you been all day? i tried to find you earlier to see if you wanted to hang out" he asks, still staring at me. "oh, sorry, me and enid snuck out to just explore. look what i found!" i say, holding up the camera. his face is blank, before he finally remembers what it is. "oh, cool! does it have film still?"
"yeah it does and i found more with it. wanna take a photo?" i ask, and he nods. we take a quick photo, and then i remember the video games. "oh, hey want to come back to mine? i found a few things i thought you might like, but i left them back at my house."

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