chapter ix

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i managed to actually get some sleep, but am woken up early to stones being thrown at my window. "what the hell?" i mutter to myself, making my way over to the drawn curtains. the last person i expected to see outside my window at 4am was carl grimes. but there he was. he holds a finger up to his lips, and beckons for me to go down and join him.

i pull on a random jacket, and sneak out of my house, not forgetting to pocket my beloved knives on the way. i slide open the backdoor, and lock it after, searching for carl in the dim light.

upon finding him, he walks away without saying a word, beckoning for me to follow. i end up following him over the wall, getting increasingly confused. "carl, are you gonna tell me what the hell we are doing out here?" i hissed. we get to a fallen log, and he sits down, me beside him. "i want to talk to you about enid." he states, looking me dead in the eye. i look at him suspiciously. "she is my sister." i confirm, unsure of what he wants to talk to me about. "i know. you know her better than anyone. which is why i want to talk to you."
"why not just talk to her herself?" i ask, slightly confused. he sighs. "i wish i could but.." he trails off, staring into the distance. "the problem is, i like her. there i said it" i don't reply, instead stare at him in shock, causing him to look over at me for reassurance. "i just.. wanted to know what to do about it. should i ignore the feelings? ask her out? if so, how would she want to be asked out?" he asks, exasperated. i laugh, and he looks over with an annoyed expression. "sorry, its just really sweet how you are so worked up over this. its just nice to remember about these types of worries. it just feels like we aren't allowed to fret over things so silly anymore, you get me? anyways. i think you should definitely ask her out. you are all she talks about." i assure him. his eyes light up. "really?!" he asks, hopefully. "yep. now. how should you do it?" i ponder. "well. i do know she loves coming out here. she finds it very freeing. shes not really a physical girl - more sentimental, so i suggest doing something memorable, rather than giving her something."
"great! thanks!" he says excitedly, and i can already see ideas spinning through his head.

back at my house, i sneak back into my room, determined to make the most of the time i have left before i need to be up properly.

enid ends up waking me, and i get dressed in some cargos and a top. i don't have anything to do today, so i plan on taking a walk around alexandria. its all peaceful, until pete and rick fly out of a window, and fight in the middle of the road. its pretty gory, so i look around for ron, fearing he might have had to watch this. luckily, hes not around. i watch from afar, not wanting to get involved, but wanting to know what is going on. some meeting is being held tonight? i don't know. i carry on walking, trying to keep ron out of my mind. yet somehow, everything i do ends up reverting back to him.

i pull out my sketchbook, and decide to draw him. i use the polaroid for reference, and get to work. i get really absorbed in the drawing, and don't notice him behind me. "wow. that's amazing!" he says, making me jump. i instantly look down and blush. he was not supposed to see this. "oh. hi. i was just testing my new pencils" i lie. he ignores it, and picks up my paper, inspecting it closer. "this is really cool!" he repeats, not caring about the fact that i was drawing him at all. "thanks" i could feel a slow blush creeping onto my cheeks, but this time i looked up at him. he catches my eye, and smiles a little bit, before looking back down at the drawing.

"oh yeah!" he said, after a little while, suddenly remembering what he actually came here for. "wanna come over and play videogames? enid mikey and carl are already there."
"sure!" i say, setting my art supplies down onto my desk, and grabbing my jacket.

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