chapter vi

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i let ron through the door, and he stares around at the place. "wow! your house is so cool!" i laugh. "thanks, me and enid spent half the day decorating it. come on, i'll show you to my room!" i say, climbing up the stairs.

when in my room, i point to the videogames still laying on my bed. "that's what i found. the house had the same console you have, so i thought you might want the games," i shrug, but ron is beaming. he grabs the games in excitement, and flicks through them. "wow! theres so many! thank you so much," he says, still grinning. he sits down, going through each game properly. i turn around towards my desk, and start hanging the polaroids from today.

"oh, wow! look, red dead redemption- this came out right before the apocalypse started! i can't believe you managed to get your hands on this," he informs me, excitedly. i smile at his adorableness. "hey, do you wanna come over and play one of the video games with me?" he asks, looking up at me. "sure!" i respond, so we make our way to his house.

all of the lights are out in his house, and ron stops right before we get to the steps, sucking in his breath. "um. i think it might be a bad time. do you think you could come back tomorrow or something, to play?" he says, with a pleading look. "oh. sure?" i say, slightly confused.

i don't see ron at all that day, and i start to get worried when i don't see him the next day, either. i sigh, before walking up the steps of his house. the lights are still off, and i nervously knock on the door. his mother answers, looking dishevelled. "oh. y/n. sorry, but ron can't see you right not. its not a good time." she says, tiredly. i am about to ask if they are okay, but she slams the door in my face. how odd.

i go back to my house, and find enid. "hey enid, do you know whats up with ron? he's just been in his house for ages, and the lights are all off." i ask, slightly worried. is he okay? his mood completely changed within seconds yesterday, and i should've said something. "oh. that happens sometimes. no one knows why, it's weird." she says. i thank her, and leave the house again. i am determined to make sure everything is okay.

i get to his house again, and circle the perimeter from a distance. i remember where rons room is from when i first got here, so i start judging the distance of climbing up.

i effortlessly get to his window (perks of living in the wild for so long) and gently pull at his window. its unlocked, so it opens, and i slip inside. his room is dark, so i silently make my way over to the figure i see laying on his bed.

it was ron, and he was laying there unconscious. he has a wet patch under his arm, which when brought to the light, i found was blood. i softly gasped, stroking his unconscious face. i sneak out of his house and back to mine, where i grab loads of medical supplies.

back in his house, i peel his tshirt off pf his wound, and gently clean it up, covering the open gash with a gauze. i leave, him still unconscious.

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