chapter 1 ~ the new girl

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1st person POV ~

I'm ready for this, it's been a week since I've moved to South park and its finally time for me to start school. Eric will be there to support me but he'll probably be hanging out with his friends... No, I can do this!!!!

You get ready, combing your h/l hair in an attempt to calm yourself down.

Okay I look fine, but what if my makeup is too much and I look like a clown... No, no, no! It's just some mascara and lip balm, who car-!

You hear banging on your house's front door. It's obvious who it is.

I rush down the stairs quickly sliding my shoes on, grabbing my bag, and tying my long scarf around my neck. Slamming the door open, I see my cousin Eric standing there annoyed and shivering.

"Dude what took you so fucking long! I'm freezing my balls off out here" Cartman says

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to make sure I didn't look bad on my first day, no need to be a dick." I respond. I step onto the front step and lock my house door behind me, making sure not to trap my scarf in it.

"Hurry up, or else we're gonna miss the bus. There's no way my asshole friends are going to wait for me. Kyle already said there's no way he's gonna put up with two Cartman's!"

"Okay, okay, all done now we can go. I took like an extra 5 minutes to get ready, nothing wrong with that!" I hastily respond. Eric just rolls his eyes and grabs me by the hand in an attempt to pull me along to the bus stop.
Once we arrive there the first thing I'm greeted by is a boy with a blue hat and brown jacket punching Eric in the shoulder.
"Dude!!!! What the fuck was that for, I got here on time there's no need to be angry" Eric retaliates.

"Cartman you fatass we already said that if we are going to have to put up with double your shit, that you better be on your best behavior!" The boy with the blue hat says. I glance around, tugging at the sleeve of my dress embarrassed, only then to realise, shit! I forgot my jacket! My mom's gonna kill me. A boy wearing a green fluffy hat approaches me cautiously as if I'm going to do something to him.

"Dude is this your cousin? I thought all your family was fat, she looks nothing like you." He says.
"Oh.. Haha... Yes I'm y/n, and you are?"
"That was not the first introduction I was expecting from someone blood related to Cartman, you're already doing pretty good at not being as shitty as he is"
You laugh at his joke, you can't tell if you're blushing or if you're just cold.
"I'm Kyle by the way, Kyle Broflovski. And before Cartman says anything, yes I am Jewish but I don't do any of that bullshit that prick says I do"
I'm not sure what to react to that, just exactly what kind of friendship do these guys have?
"Haha, I like to think I'm a bit nicer than Eric is, I'd never believe him in the first place so don't worry!"
Kyle plays with his hair and stares at me like he doesn't know what to say before walking over to the boy with the blue hat and pulling him by the ear over to me.

"Dude ow, stop dude what the hell are you doing that for!" The boy complains.
"Introduce yourself to (y/n),she's already 100x better than fatass over there!"
Eric glares at Kyle before exhaustedly sitting down on the floor to wait for the bus.
"Uh yeah, hi, I'm Stan, oh and the guy in the orange coat over there is Kenny! Are you really related to Cartman..? You look nothing alike..."
"I know right dude! That's what I said!" Kyle excitedly responds.

"As long as you aren't as bad as Cartman then I'm fine with you hanging out with us. That is if you're okay with Kenny and Kyle probably falling in love with you, Haha!" Stan mockingly says.
"Man shut up, you're only saying that cause you're obsessed with Wendy" Kyle retorts
"Yeah dude shut up!" Kenny says, his voice muffled by the orange parka.

You see the school bus coming over the hill as it stops for the bus stop.

Okay, I've secured a spot in their friend group... And Kyle seems nice! Now I just have to actually go to school. Oh god. When was the last time I did a maths test... Or an English test... Or a dreaded geography test...

You feel Eric flick the back of your head in order to wake you from your hellish daydream.

"The bus is here you retard, are you getting on or not?" Eric says. I nod and climb onto the bus, shaking, and darting my head around looking for a seat. Kyle sees my frustration and grabs my shoulder, pulling me to sit next to him.

"Dude what! Now I'm gonna have to sit next to Butters!" Stan sighs.

"She's new and she's a girl! What do you expect me to do? Let her sit next to Cartman for the whole bus ride?! Even if he was my cousin I wouldn't want to sit next to him." Kyle insists. I hesitantly blush and allow myself to relax on the long ride to school. Kyle keeps glancing at me awkwardly as if it's the first time someone hasn't treated him like shit. Maybe life here won't be so bad.

"Hey, you want to borrow my hat? I noticed you don't have a coat, I thought you might be cold..." Kyle quickly says. Before I can say a word he plonks the hat down on my head and ruffles his hair back into position. Yet again, before I can say thanks, he says
"Don't sweat it, your mom wouldn't want you to catch a cold"
Life here isn't going to be bad at all.

~End of Chapter 1~

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