chapter 15 ~ awkward

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"Kyle, I don't care about whatever the fuck you were doing in there, but Bebe has been looking for you everywhere." Token murmured, rolling his eyes and taking an uncertain step away from Kyle.
"Dude what? Why is she looking for m-?" Just as Kyle was about to finish his sentence, Bebe spotted where we were all standing and came running up to us, arms outstretched waving. Once she had finally reached us she immediately ran straight to Kyle, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Bebe? Why were you looking for me?" Kyle said with a puzzled voice, trying as hard as possible to nonchalantly push Bebe off him. I was just confused and took a step away from the pair, going closer to Token.
"Don't be silly! You said you'd give me a ride home after the carnival. Remember, you said it when we were on the Ferris Wheel!" Bebe responded in a flirty tone, batting her eyelashes each time they made eyecontact. It was an incredibly uncomfortable situation for all of us, well all of us except Bebe. I could see Kyle gradually becoming more and more agitated.
"Oh yeah sorry, I totally forgot about that..." Kyle murmured, finally free from Bebe's grip on him. He slowly scooted away from her, getting closer to his car.
"Haha it's fine, shall we get going now? Bye Token and (y/n)!" Bebe eagerly stated, already on her way to sit in the front passenger seat of the car.
"Actually Bebe, Kyle was driving me home too!" I declared, trying to stand my ground against this psychopath of a teenage girl.
"Yeah, they were actually in the car together before you showed up..." Token affirmed my statement, even if it was super embarrassing that he had seen us. Kyle was already fed up of dealing with Bebe, and I could see the colour draining out of his face.
"Oh... Okay, that's fine I guess. He can drive us both home." Bebe said while giving me a death glare. I don't care how much she likes him, she doesn't own him. I'm getting in the car whether she likes it or not.
"Well uh, bye Token." Kyle waved goodbye as he got into the drivers seat, strapping in his seatbelt.
"Bye you guys. See you on Monday, I guess." Token waved us all goodbye as everyone got into the car, before finally walking off to find his vehicle.
I was in the front, next to Kyle. Bebe was sat in the back in the middle seat so she could more easily talk to us. Throughout the first half of the ride, all Bebe would talk about was the gossip at school and how she had recently convinced Clyde to buy her some expensive shoes. It very quickly became boring, but it wasn't like we could talk about anything else as if me and Kyle talked it would become extremely awkward with Bebe in the car. Still, we mustered up the courage to finally talk about something a little bit more interesting.
"So... Kyle what did you get on your book report?"
"Uh I got an 'A', what did you get? Something good I presume." He chuckled.
"I got a 'B+', you are way smarter than me!" I said, nudging his arm lightly but in a safe way as he was still driving.
"That's just cause you had Kenny weighing you do--"
"This is boring! Let's talk about something more interesting. Jesus fucking Christ, is she this boring all the time Kyle?" Bebe rudely interrupted. Kyle had a look of shock on his face, surprised she had the audacity to insult me right in my face.
"Bebe, if you want to talk about something else just say so. Don't insult (y/n) again or else I'm going to kick you out of the car, I'm not joking." Kyle sternly said, glaring at Bebe through the rear-view mirror. All he got back was a giggle, as she had assumed he was just joking, even though he stated he wasn't.
"Kyle, haha! You're so funny!" Bebe pushed her head closer to Kyle's, slightly leaning over the back of his seat. He scooted away from her as much as possible.

After a long boring half an hour of awkward silence, and Bebe's occasional giggle at whatever she was looking at on her phone, I mustered up the strength to confront her. With Kyle in the car, she'd have to keep up somewhat of a cute attitude, so she wouldn't scare him off.
"Bebe, what do you have against me?" I mumbled, avoiding eye contact with either of them. From the corner of my vision I could see Kyle's head immediately turn in confusion. Bebe groaned, and aggressively slouched backwards in her seat.
"Do you really wanna do this right now?" She grumbled, I could hear her voice becoming strained.
"Yes. It's obviously got something to do with Kyle, so why shouldn't we talk about it right now?" Every word that came out of my mouth took an unholy amount of courage to say. All I could hope for is she couldn't sense my anxiety. The atmosphere of the dark long road, surrounded by tall large trees really added to my feelings of worry.
"Bebe, come on! Even I can tell that you've got something against (y/n)! There's no point in denying it right now." Kyle said. He began to repeatedly tapped his foot on the car floor in agitation.
"Fine... If Kyle wants to know then I'll just say it. She is trying to steal you from me Kyle! Before (y/n) came to our school we were going to start dating!" Bebe sounded genuinely upset, but her voice still had a bitchy twinge to it. I turned back to look at her, scanning her face to try and figure out what she was really feeling.
"Bebe, I'm sorry but me and Kyle aren't even dating yet. You have no reason to dislike me!" I responded, giving her as sincere of a look as possible.
"You just said yet." Bebe's eyes were starting to tear up. I never wanted to hurt anyone, it's not my fault me and Kyle have gotten so close in just a week.
"Bebe, it wasn't even certain that me and you would start dating. You need to know I'm allowed to be with who I want." Kyle added in, trying to support me. Still, Bebe didn't seem to feel any better, her watery eyes avoided all eye contact. I reached my hand out backwards behind my seat and put it on her knee, in an attempt to comfort her, only to be immediately rejected by her softly slapping my hand.
"Kyle! You can't be serious! You know we would've gotten together, don't act like I didn't see you staring at me during every single lesson!" Bebe angrily yelled, I could see Kyle's eyes twitch in embarrassment.
"Okay I'm done with this for now. I just wanna go home. Can we all stop fighting." I whimpered, my throat strained from arguing. Bebe rolled her eyes in response and leaned further back into her seat, ignoring everyone. Kyle kept his eyes on the road and focused all his attention on driving.

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