chapter 7 ~ how did that get there?!

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You lurch forwards as the bus pulls to a halt, only for Kenny to catch you

I pull my hair behind my ears, embarrassed about how I nearly fell. Kenny has his arms placed around my torso, holding me in place, his laughter can be heard all throughout the school bus.
"Wow, are you normally this clumsy sweetheart?" Kenny says, releasing his grip on me and going on to pat my head. I cover my face, pulling a strand of hair over my eyes so he can't tell how embarrassed I am.
"No, it was just a shock! The bus stopped really fast..."
"Sure sure, whatever you say..." He helps me up and leads me off of the bus, onto the front pavement of the school. Kyle, Cartman, Stan and Wendy follow swiftly behind us. Everyone in the group is staring directly at Stan and Wendy as they are holding hands and acting like a pair of lovebirds, whispering into each other's ears and giggling.
"Are you guys finally dating again? It's always on and off with you two." Kyle says inquisitively.
"We may or may not have started dating again yesterday, Wendy slept over at my house yesterday and we talked all night about our relationship." Stan continued talking about his and Wendy's love for each other, but me and Kyle shot each other a knowing look. So we weren't the only ones who had a sleepover yesterday, I'm sure they did a bunch of 'talking' last night...
We all walked into the school, side by side, and headed straight for our lockers. The boys had Physical Education first so they needed to grab their sports clothes from their lockers. Wendy approached me and began to start a conversation,
"So, I noticed you talking to Token yesterday, do you think he's cute? We dated once but it's totally cool with me if you wanna date him!" She gleefully said, I shook my hand to signal that I didn't feel that way about him,
"Oh haha, my goodness, no no, he is very nice but I just met him! I think he's just trying to be friendly to the new kid." I said in retaliation. She flipped her long shiny black hair over her shoulder and took her pink beret off of her head, to put it in her heavily decorated locker, I could see the walls of it were covered in Polaroid pictures of her and Stan.
"Well, if you ever want a boyfriend make sure you ask me, I know a bunch of cute guys that I'm sure would love you." I blushed at her comment and jokingly shook her hand to thank her before Stan walked up to us and asked her to walk him to the Gymnasium. Kyle walked over to me, carrying his heavy gym bag over his shoulder and taking a sip out of a sports bottle. He approached me and rested his hand on my shoulder,
"Hey babe, you wanna walk me to class..." He did a kissy face and flipped his hair, mocking Stan. We both burst out laughing immediately, I began to hold my stomach to control the laughter but it didn't work.
"Omg! I would love to bae!" I said in response, clasping my hands together and pretending to swoon, Kenny noticed our laughter and came over to where we were standing, he was also carrying his slightly more tattered gym bag.
"What are we laughing about over here, surely Kyle can't make you laugh more than I can?" Kenny said, placing his arm on the locker behind me, towering over me. Kyle was not amused, but attempted to keep a happy look on his face.
"Ha, we were just joking about Stan and Wendy's lovey dovey attitude. Are they always like that?" I said, trying to appease to both the boys.
"Then do it like once every month before they hate each other again, are you jealous of their relationship? No need to be jealous when I'm here sugar." Kenny said, I could hear the country twang in his voice yet again.
"No, she's not jealous we were just joking. Come on we need to get to the gym." Kyle said, rolling his eyes but still smiling. The atmosphere was tense and awkward before Kenny finally took a step back, sighing. That was until he grabbed my hand and began to lead me to the Gymnasium, Kyle followed quickly behind us, grumbling under his breath.

You arrive at the Gymnasium and Kenny releases your hand

"You're too slow Kyle, I had to take this darling girl with me to the sports hall before class had already ended. Try and keep up next time!" Kenny said, obviously teasing Kyle, flicking Kyle's forehead in a joking manner. Kyle simply rolled his eyes and gave Kenny an agitated look before turning to me and embracing me with a warm hug, it was quite surprising.
"I'll see you after gym (y/n), I hope you'll be able to find maths without me." Kyle chuckled and let go of me, before waving goodbye and walking into the changing room, Kenny also did a little wave before following behind Kyle. I turned around, ready to go to the girls changing room and as soon as I turned I immediately saw Wendy waiting for me next to the girls door. Steadily, I walked up to her, feeling my heavy bag weighing me down each with each step I took. I noticed she seemed to have an almost smug smile on her face.
"You're pretty close with Kyle then huh? That hug seemed pretty romantic..." She flashed a cheeky smile and took a step closer so she could examine my blushing face.
"Haha, no we're just friends! He helped me with some homework yesterday so I was just thanking him." She let out a small laugh and grabbed my hand to lead me into the girls changing room, slamming the door open. We walked to the back of the room, to the most private area where there were three other girls standing, each quickly turned their head to stare as we approached them. The one with blonde curly hair I immediately recognised from yesterday's math class, it was Bebe. There was also a girl with light brown, and a girl with bright red hair.
"Wendy! Is she joining us?" Bebe said, while sliding her sports top on as she advanced towards us.
"Yes, this is (y/n), have you girls met her yet?" Wendy said with a joyful smile on her face, she went over to her red gym locker and began undressing. I went over to one of the unclaimed lockers and began to take off my top.
"I think I saw her in my maths class yesterday, she was with that cutie Kyle." Bebe said in response, twirling a strand of her hair around her index finger. I wasn't sure what to say to that so I just gave her an awkward smile.
"I haven't met her yet, but the more the merrier! I'm Heidi." Heidi said, greeting me with a warm smile and a small wave.
"Yeah I haven't met you yet either, but I'm Red. If Wendy likes you then you're cool with me." I let out a small but unnoticeable laugh about how the girls hair colour matched her name.
"It's very nice to meet you all, I hope you don't mind me hanging out with you guys sometimes." I flashed a cute grin, while donning my new sports clothes that I had bought just for school.
"They don't mind at all, plus we couldn't let a girl have to hang out with Stan's friends all day, you'd die!" Wendy said, the girls began laughing in response, resting their hands on their faces, covering their beaming smiles.
"That's true, they're all assholes, that is except for Cartman." Heidi said, everyone glared at her before continuing to laugh.
"Cartman is literally the worst one Heidi, you are so silly. Oh that reminds me, (y/n) is Cartman's cousin, isn't that crazy?" Everyone immediately stared at me with a shocked look bestowed on their faces, inspecting my face to look for similarities between me and Cartman.
"Are you really?! I'm so sorry." Bebe said, her mouth agape. We all laughed for a little while before we were all finally ready to do some actual sports.
Red and Bebe were having a playful pushing fight, joking around to get some exert some energy, before Bebe fell over and knocked my open bag off of the bench, spilling everything that was in it onto the dirty changing room floor.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, let me help you pick that up!" Bebe immediately got on her knees and began scraping up all my stuff and shovelling it back into my bag, I was covering my face in embarrassment.
"That's fine, I can pick it all u-" I said only to be interrupted.
"WHAT IS THIS?!" Bebe jokingly screamed, holding a pair of boxers between two of her fingers. The girls all began screaming and giggling, each playfully fighting over the boxers.
"OH MY GOD, (y/n) YOU HAVE TO TELL US WHERE YOU GOT THEM!!" Wendy cackled, rushing over to me while holding the boxers, flinging them into my face for me to catch them, humiliated , I quickly stuffed them back into my bag.
"I have no idea how they got in there, I'm so embarrassed." I said with a flustered look upon my face, averting my eyes from contact. I saw a lightbulb go off in Wendy's head while everyone else was still stunned and chuckling about their discovery.
"Didn't you say Kyle slept over at your house last night..." The girls were all dumbstruck by what Wendy had just said, they all gathered around me in a circle, like it was some kind of an interrogation. In that moment I realised I was still wearing his hat, which obviously wasn't going to help my case...
"(y/n), are those really Kyle's boxers?! You've been here for literally a day oh my god..." Bebe said as her face scrunched up in annoyance. Her eyes pierced my soul as she was obviously somewhat upset.
"N-No I swear it's nothing inappropriate, he must've left them on my desk after he got changed and I accidentally put them in my bag..." I aprubtly said, hoping this wouldn't ruin any chances of future friendships with these girls. Bebe still didn't look very happy but her face had softened and she seemed slightly less angry.
"Okay well you need to understand that I've liked Kyle for a while now, so I basically have dibs on him. You BETTER not have done anything risqué with him." Bebe blurted out, I thoroughly nodded my head, promising to her that nothing special had happened between me and Kyle. I'm not the best liar but I felt as though my life depended on making it seem like me and Kyle had a totally normal PG night yesterday...

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