chapter 18 ~ this side of me

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Me and Kyle had been together for around 3 years now and are both 20 years old. On impulse, we had decided to move away from South Park and explore the world, we went to live in San Diego. But eventually, Kyle began to feel home sick and so I made the decision that we would return to South Park. He was obviously delighted by this but also a little embarrassed, Stan, Kenny and Butters still live there and he didn't want them to think he couldn't last in the outside world. This wasn't their reaction. They were overjoyed to see him.

Sitting underneath a large willow tree next to Stark's pond, my hand was safely and warmly clasped inside of Kyle's. We had agreed with the rest of the guys that we'd have a picnic as a welcome back party for the two of us. Much to Stan's shock Wendy was also excited, but she is my friend so there was no reason for me not to invite her. Enjoying the quietness of the wilderness, we sat on our picnic blanket waiting for people to arrive.
"You don't think Stan's gonna mock me, do you?" Kyle mumbled, still on the precautionary side about this sudden reunion. I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and kissed his cheek, he immediately melted into me, clinging to my waist searching for comfort.
"No way. He was and probably still is your best friend. He'll be so happy to see you Kyle." I whispered into his ear, making him blush as despite us being together for years now he still finds things like that cutesy enough to get flustered.
"Okay. I love you (y/n), you definitely made a great choice moving us back here." He said, releasing his grip on me before giving me a small gentle kiss on the lips.

After another 10 minutes of waiting, Stan was the first to arrive and immediately rushed to hug Kyle as soon as he saw us.
"Dude I missed you so much! Holy shit I forgot how much taller than me you are. Did you grow?!" Stan chuckled, jokingly jabbing Kyle with his shoulder.
"And I forgot you had a butt-chin, oh my god. I missed you too." Kyle replied, obviously overjoyed to see his childhood friend. Stan noticed me from the corner of his eye.
"Hello (y/n)! It's good to see you again too! I never ever would have thought you guys were gonna come back to this crummy town. Guess you couldn't get enough of the freezing temperatures and shitty neighbors!" Stan said, giving me a small friendly hug.
"Well y'know, we know you guys were probably really bored without us." I jokingly responded, flashing a cheeky smile. We all sat down on the picnic blanket and chatted about all the things Stan had done while we were gone.

Next to arrive was Wendy. Her interactions with Stan were more smooth than expected. Both me and Kyle had thought they'd be uncomfortable around each other due to the fact they weren't together anymore, but they seemed just as sweet and friendly as they always used to be.
"Wendy I would've thought you'd want to move out of this shitty town? I mean out of all of us you were definitely the smartest." I asked her in a questioning and intrigued tone.
"Ha! (y/n) you flatter me. I'm still working on getting out of here but for now I'd just like to take a break!" Wendy responded, gently and playfully tapping me on the shoulder. The leaves above us were blowing softly in the wind, they were as green as ever due to it finally being summer.

Finally, Kenny and Butters arrived together, as Butters has no car so he needed a lift from Ken. As soon as Kenny saw me he ran up to us, picked me up, and spun me around.
"I never thought I was gonna see y'all again! Kyle, buddy I missed you!" He said while gently helping me back in to my seat.
"Uh yeah, I missed you too man! Hard to believe it was only me out of the 3 of us who made it out of here! Still, I'm glad I'm back." Kyle happily murmured. Cartman had stopped talking to practically everyone as soon as we left highschool, even his family. I hadn't heard from him in years, so I have no clue where he is or what he's doing.
"Who could blame me for wanting to stay here? I have a truck, a girlfriend and a decent job!" Kenny chuckled.
"Ken you have a girlfriend?!" I questioned him excitedly.
"Haha yeah darlin', I started dating Heidi when Cartman left us all. She's helps me do some good for the environment when I'm driving that smoke spewing truck." Kenny proudly responded, obviously pleased he managed to take Cartmans girlfriend. Butters hesitantly sat down next to me and gave me a small but friendly wave.
"How about you Butters, any girlfriends we should know about?" I asked him, trying to help him join in to the conversation.
"Ah gee, not yet! I'm still looking for the one ahah." Butters responded in a flustered voice, readjusting his cute businessman tie in the mean while.

We all sat and talked for another 3 hours, laughing about all the shenanigans we had missed while we were gone, discussing everyone's plans for the future and remembering all the fun times we had together during highschool. Eventually the sky turned a beautiful dark shade of purple and that was when we knew it was getting late. We all began to gather our stuff and get ready to go, Kyle was sad we had to go but he knew that now we were back we'd be seeing a lot more of them all again. Butters and Wendy both went and waited in the carpark so they could give the boys their much needed private time.
"Stan and Kenny, I missed you guys both so much. You have no idea how long I've wanted to see you again." Kyle said, in an embarrassed but overjoyed tone. Kenny pulled the other two boys into a hug and Stan cutely started sniffling.
"I missed you too Kyle, I'm so glad you're back. This place was becoming a real shit-hole without you." Stan responded.
"I knew you'd come back eventually man, couldn't you resist the McCormick charm?" Kenny jokingly said.
"Oh shut up Kenny haha..." Kyle said while trying to slyly wipe his tears from his face. Kenny and Stan pulled away from the hug and began walking away, Stan yelling from a distance
That received a huge chuckle from Kyle, and he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist, using his other arm carrying the wicker picnic basket.
"I love you so, so much. It's time for me to man up and get some shitty family man job. I'll do anything for you (y/n)." He immediately made me blush.
"You're already man enough Kyle. I'm so glad I could see this sentimental side of you today you big softie!" I quickly responded, in a sincere voice.
"Oh shush you. Shall we go home now?" Kyle softly whispered in my ear. Eagerly, I nodded in response, excited to finally settle back in to this quiet little mountain town.

| END |

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