chapter 2 ~ first day of school

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1st person POV ~

I feel the bus halt to a stop as it arrives outside the school. I look out the window and gaze at the overly bright yellow exterior of the building. It seems way too big for a town with such a small population, there has to be like 600 kids maybe, but this place looks like it was built for 1000! Whatever, all I have to focus on is getting to classes...

"Ha, yeah it's pretty ugly isn't it, I want to talk to whoever chose that violently ugly yellow! Not the nicest thing to greet you in the morning." Kyle jokingly says as he softly jabs me in the arm with his elbow.
"It's not my favorite design choice but we'll be inside basically all day so I'll just have to try and ignore it at break and lunch haha." I respond. Why do I feel so awkward? I don't think I'm the greatest at small talk but at least he doesn't seem to hate me yet!

"It's time to get off the bus you ginger asshole, stop distracting my cousin. She's got better things to do than talk to you." Eric grumpily says while pulling on Kyle's hair only to get his hand smacked away.
"Yeah yeah, whatever fatass! I'm just trying to be nice."

"Stop having this gay ass fight and let's get off this fucking bus. Wendy is probably waiting for me inside." Stan says, his face red, who is Wendy? His girlfriend? Kyle did say that he's obsessed with her. I'm glad there's other girls and not just a bunch of annoying teenage boys.

Kyle scoots off of the seat and offers you a hand to help you off of the bus

I take his hand and slowly go down the steps of the bus, eventually hopping onto the pavement and truly taking in just how big this school is.

Kyle jokingly says "Worried about the size of this place? Haha, don't worry about it, most of it is just because of how massive our gym is." I giggle, at least he seems to understand how I feel! He leads me through the front door of the school while Cartman and Stan are arguing behind us over who is going to partner up with who for the Book Report that's due. Shit, for a while there I forgot Book  Reports existed...

"y/n, who do you think should partner up? These assholes wanna put me with Butters cause they're gonna go together, and Kenny never does any of the homework. I can't go with you cause you're a girl and everyone might think I'm a homo!" Eric frustratedly sighs
"Butters is a prick, the last time we did anything book related with him he stole our fame!!"

I look around the school hall, ignoring Eric's pleads to his friends. I can see a girl with dark long hair waving at us from all the way down the hall, is she waving at me? I don't recognize her but she could be? I hear her shout down the hall,
"Kyle why are you wearing a dress? I didn't know you enjoyed wearing feminine clothes."
Oh... I see what's happened here, she must not have great eye sight.
"Hi!! I'm y/n, I'm not Kyle, I'm just wearing his hat because I was cold!" Hopefully that clears up any confusion! How embarrassing... Do I look like a boy?
"Wendy! I don't know if I should be flattered or offended that you thought a pretty girl in a dress was me?!" Kyle retorts, does he think I'm pretty? Well that makes me feel a little bit better about the misunderstanding... But still does he think I'm pretty?! I feel my cheeks flush bright pink, gosh, this is more embarrassing than her thinking I was him in the first place!

Wendy runs down the hall to greet us, giving me a slight wave and then grabbing onto Stan's arm

"Nice to meet you y/n, are you new? Kyle never told me he had a girlfriend! And a pretty one at that! I'm Wendy by the way." The girl joyfully said. She's beautiful! No wonder they say Stan's obsessed with her. But wait, she thinks I'm his girlfriend?! No, no, no!.
"Thank you for such a warm greeting, and yes I am new, but I'm not Kyle's girlfriend, haha!" Kyle is stood to the side of me with his head down, covering his red face from view. "I'm actually Eric's cousin, my family just moved here."
She had a look of bewilderment on her face.
"Eric, you mean Eric Cartman?! Oh my you look nothing like him... I never would've expected someone from that assholes family to be as nice and pretty as you!"
I nod my head in thanks, I'm not sure what to say, it is a compliment but it's quite rude! Eric is probably awful to her though, so it's most likely justified.

There is a long awkward silence before anyone says anything

"Um haha, so what class do we have first..? I need to go get my classes timetable." I awkwardly say in an attempt to get me out of this awkward situation.
"(y/n) you're gonna let her talk to your dear cousin like that?! How could you..." Cartman jokingly says before jabbing Stan in the stomach and saying "You gotta teach Wendy some manners if she's gonna be your new faggy girlfriend!"
Wendy and Stan both immediately have red flushed faces. I try and quietly snicker at this but Kyle catches me laughing.
"Huh, so maybe you are a bit like Cartman!" He teasingly says. "Oh, but I can come get your class schedule with you! It's at the school office, I'll show you the way." He says with a charming but slightly dorky smile. I am very easily flattered but I really didn't expect such a simple smile to make me gush so much...

Everyone parts ways to head to their own classes while Kyle takes me to check my classes... I hope I have some with him! Everyone else is quite nice but it'd really calm me down knowing someone so kind would be there with me while I'm bored in class.

You reach the school office and receive your schedule from a man with
an incredibly monotone voice called Mr Mackey

"So, what did ya get? We have like 4 teachers in this school so don't worry, you're sure to be put in at least one of our classes." He says with a big grin on his face, he gently pats my back. Yet again I feel my face get all red but I brush it off as embarrassment.
"Well... For my first lesson it says I have maths, oh my god..." I sigh deeply.
"Hey! Don't fret, that's my first lesson too! You'll be fine, I have a free seat next to me since everyone hates me in maths for actually paying attention, you can sit there! It'll be nice to have something pretty to look at!"
Okay, now my face is really red... How am I supposed to respond to that?! I look into his dark forest green eyes and he realises what he just said.
"Uh yeah... Haha the teacher is really ugly! So if someone sits next to me I won't have to concentrate on him all lesson." He pats my back and puts his head in his hand for a brief second.
Oh. Of course he didn't mean to compliment me, I'm getting ahead of myself! Oh my goodness he is cute though... No, no, no! I gotta focus on school and.... And his hair is so gorgeous and curly! Oh my god! Thank god I'm not saying this out loud.
"Okay we should get to class before we are late, haha!!" I quickly say to avoid yet another awkward silence.

He grabs your hands and takes you to Maths class

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