chapter 9 ~ group chat

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School finally ended and I began to make my way home so I could prepare for my second group meeting with the boys. I never thought it would've been this easy to make friends, maybe I'm just super charming! Strolling along the pavement I walked in silence, listening to the sounds of cars passing by and birds cheerily chirping in the snowy trees. The cold air was crisp and my hair softly tussled in the wind. I finally approached my house, unlocking the door and entering to be greeted by the warmth inside. Entering the living room I saw my mom sitting on the couch.
"Oh hey hun, how was school?" She said, with a small smile.
"It was okay, I have a book report to do so I'm going to meet my partner at the coffee shop in like an hour. Love you mom!" I shouted, already heading upstairs.
"Love you too sweetheart, have fun." She shouted back.
Going up the stairs and entering my bedroom in the attic, I threw my heavy bag onto the messy bed. I began to blush, remembering that I had forgotten to return Kyle's boxers to him, but I will definitely do it once I see him when we get coffee, I'm not a pervert! My phone made a ding noise alerting me to the fact I had a notification.
New group chat: 4 friends and 1 fatass
I giggled at the name, glad that the boys saw me as their friend already.
Kyle💘: Hey guys, I thought I'd make this so we can all easily talk to each other.
Ken🫶: dude this is cool but why do u always text like a robot
Stan Darsh: he's right dude, u do
Kyle💘: You guys just don't take care in your texts, I'm not gonna type like a 6 year old.
Me: i think it's cute how he types!! u guys r haters
Kyle💘: Very sad we've come to the point that typing like a normal person is cute, girls really have lowered their standards.
Why can't he just take the compliment! He is kinda right though...
Ken🫶: kyle u gotta type like an intellectual cause u don't have any other way 2 get bitchezz
Stan Darsh: lol he shoots he scores
Kyle💘: Okay whatever you idiots say. What time are we meeting?
Me: is 5pm okay?? i'll be ready in like 20 minsss 😋
Ken🫶: fine w me
Stan Darsh: yea that's a good time.
Kyle💘: Okay I'll meet you guys then.
Fartman: screw you guys, you are still assholes for leaving me with Butters
I burst out laughing, overly amused by my cousin misfortune. He deserves it! I put my phone down on my beds side table and began to take my school outfit on so I could put on something fresh. I folded my clothes neatly and threw them into the laundry basket. I slammed open my wardrobe door, so I could choose the perfect outfit to wear, I need something cute, but comfortable as I have no idea how long this book report will take to do... My eyes immediately landed on a gorgeous outfit, I took each piece of clothing out and began to slide it on.

I slipped some tights on and also some ankle warmers just in case my legs get too cold in the harsh snowy weather

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I slipped some tights on and also some ankle warmers just in case my legs get too cold in the harsh snowy weather. Hopefully the boys think this outfit is cute and not super dorky... But who cares, all of them still dress like a 12 year old boy with the worst fashion sense in the world! I sat down at my vanity table and began combing my hair before putting it into two cute plaits that I tied with bows. I also reapplied a tiny bit of makeup, as most of it had smudged off during the long cruel day of school. Some time passed after as I decided to relax and play some games on my phone while sitting on my bed. But once again, I received a notification from the group chat.
4 friends and 1 fatass:
Stan Darsh: guys it's fckn freezing outside, u better not take much longer
Shit, I didn't realise what time it was! It's already 4:37! I leaped out of bed and ran downstairs, grabbing my scarf on the way out and yelling a quick bye at my mom. As I speedily walked to the coffee shop I continued texting on my phone, just so I wouldn't get super bored.
Me: i'm coming now, and ur right it's so cold!!
Kyle💘: I hope you've remembered your coat today.
Me: i have, don't worry pookie bear 😚😚
Ken🫶: what the fuck is a pookie bear, are you ok
Ken🫶: bitches be crazy
Stan Darsh: ok i am just going to ignore whatever the fuck that was, how much longer will you guys be.
Kyle💘: Not much longer, I'm like 5 minutes away... You silly pookie bear. 😛
I couldn't control my laughter, as I hadn't of expected that from Kyle... He is a master of surprise.
Ken🫶: ok no more of that shit, i'm also super close
Me: I'm like 7 mins away pls be patient u guys 😢
Kyle💘: Don't mind Stan he's just grumpy cause we are talking away his valuable 'make out with Wendy' time.
Stan Darsh: need i remind you of a certain bra in your bag...
In the instant I read that text, I slid my phone right back into my pocket, not wanting to be further humiliated by the boys. They must enjoy making people suffer. I can't blame them, it is pretty funny. As I sauntered along the sidewalk I eventually saw the coffee shop, it displayed a big bold sign that read 'Tweek Bros. Coffee'. As I approached, I peered in through the big glass windows, seeing Kenny and Stan sat at a booth together both indulged in their phones. I flung the door open and excitedly walked up to the table, waving at both the boys.
"Do I set next to you or Kenny?" I said to Stan, as Kenny seemed to be heavily preoccupied with something on his phone.
"Sit next to me if you don't wanna have to pay for Kenny's coffee..." Stan said, laughing and sarcastically rolling his eyes, his comment went unnoticed by Kenny. I slid in and sat down next to Stan, noticing that no one had even ordered any coffee yet.
"Does this place do any food? I'm starving." I said, my stomach loudly and embarrassingly rumbling.
"It does, what do you want me to get you?" Said a voice from behind me, I quickly turned and saw Kyle standing there, with a big grin on his face and a leather wallet in his hand. I stood up and hugged him, enjoying his warmth for a split second before pulling away and going back to sit down.
"I would like a coffee and a muffin please Kyle!" I responded, happily smiling.
"Yeah and get me a coffee too." Kenny added in, jokingly pleading with puppy dog eyes. Kyle rolled his eyes in retaliation, but he's still a very nice guy so he nodded his head and made his way to the counter to order for us all.
"Stan aren't you going to get anything?" I questioned, resting my hand on his shoulder.
"Once I went through a goth phase where I only drank coffee... I have had enough of that stuff for a lifetime." Stan responded rubbing his hand on his face in an embarrassed manner.
"Haha! Oh my god I almost forgot about that, thanks for reminding me dude!" Kenny said gasping for air between each laugh. In an attempt to not make Stan any more flustered, I didn't say anything, not wanting anyone to feel the way I did during my sports class... While I awkwardly sat in silence as the boys had both gone back on their phones, I decided to get up and use the bathroom, growing tired of the boring atmosphere. Neither Stan or Kenny had noticed I had left the table and gone somewhere else. The walls of the coffee shop were a welcoming beige mustard colour and they all exhibited a tasteful modern piece of artwork, each with their price tag still on them, and my god they were expensive! I opened the unisex bathroom door only to be pushed in by a heavy force behind me, a hand grabbed my waist and twirled me around before I felt someone lips push onto mine. It was Kyle. He enveloped me in his amiable embrace, and gently wrapped his arms around me, turning the lock on the door as he did so, not wanting anyone to walk in and discover this passionate make out session, especially Kenny and Stan.
"I'm sorry that Bebe wouldn't leave me alone today. I promise I'll try and get rid of her tomorrow." Kyle said as sweet and softly as possible before smashing his harsh lips back onto mine. I pulled away, gasping for air.
"It's okay Kyle, I don't mind if you hang out with her." He flashed me a sad look, which was completely unexpected. I thought he would've been happy about that? I mean he did say he was going to ask her out on a date... Some small part of me was weirdly happy about his reaction. I mean we have gotten rather close, even if I've only been here for 2 days... But I worry that if he really gets to know me, he won't like what he sees anymore.
"I only want to hang out with you (y/n), even if we aren't dating. I know this seems really forward but I'm just having so much fun with you." His grip around me became tighter, and I could smell the embarrassing amount of Axe body spray he had on. But I don't mind. He's a geek and I love that for him, no matter how lame he is.
"Thank you Kyle, I've really enjoyed hanging out with you too. And doing you know what..." My face went bright red, but I still wanted to tell Kyle that I enjoyed what we had done.
"I enjoyed it too! ...We should probably get back out there before the guys start wondering where we've gone." He responded, slowly releasing me from his arms.
"I've had enough of their teasing for one day." I murmured, but with a sly smile on my face.
We left the bathroom and while I headed back to the booth Kyle went and actually ordered everyone's food. Kenny and Stan were having some random conversation about a video game franchise, jokingly arguing about which game they thought was the best. I sat down, not wanting to indulge in their silly quarrel. Reaching for my bag, I got out the assigned book and began reading since at least one of us needs to do some actual work. I already knew the basics of the book 'Animal Farm', it was something about communism and capitalism, I can't really remember... Reading the book was quite difficult as all I could focus on was Kenny and Stan's childish squabble. Kyle finally came back, carrying 3 coffees and 1 muffin, he handed me a drink and the muffin and handed Kenny a coffee. He slid in to sit next to Kenny and took a sip of the hot drink, covering his cute face after it burned his tongue, not wanting anyone to see and laugh at him.
"Too hot huh?" I said with a cheeky grin.
"Nope... Totally cool and refreshing." He responded in a flustered manner. The boys had finally finished their small argument so we all got to work on the book report. Every single chance I got, I took a glimpse up at Kyle, hooked on the feeling that I got when I look at him.
Eventually, we had all finished, our faces looked exhausted. We were all both mentally and physically drained. God I hate school.
"Bye darlin'. You're the first school partner I've ever had that actually did some good work." Kenny said as we got up to leave.
"Oh shut up Kenny you're just saying that cause you never do any goddamn work." Kyle said, jabbing Kenny in the shoulder in the meanwhile.
"Well, thank you Kenny." I blushed, glad he was thankful for my help, even if he was just using me for good grades. We all walked out onto the street and Stan's mom pulled up to us in her car, here to give Stan a lift home.
"Bye guys, see you tommorow." Stan said, running to get into the warm car, safe from the cold outside. Kenny was going a different way to me and Kyle so we said goodbye and then began walking home together, just like we did yesterday. The air was chilly and I had to kick snow out of my way so I could walk on the pavement without tripping up. While shoving my hands into my pockets to keep warm, Kyle grabbed one of them and held it sliding our intertwined hands into his pocket.
"You are such a softie." I giggled, squeezing his hand.
"Yeah well I'm still embarrassed about what happened last night so I'm trying to make it up to you. I did enjoy it but I just feel like a total dick." He signed, turning his head away from mine.
"Kyle, don't be embarrassed. It's totally normal for boys. I'm not gonna laugh at you." I put my hand on his face and directed it back towards mine.
"If you say so. I just hope we can forget about it and still be friends." His eyes softened staring into mine.
"Friends who kiss sometimes?" I responded, giggling.
"Definitely." We both burst out laughing, overjoyed that we felt the same way about each other. I gazed up into the dark night sky that was full of stars, hoping life could be like this forever.

Author: I just want to say thank you to everyone who is reading and liking my story. I really appreciate it, and I hope you are enjoying my very first fan fiction.

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