Chapter Sixteen

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We walked amongst the rubble and burnt debris, cringing at the sounds it made under our shoes. My chest tightened at the way it reminded me of how I almost died. If it wasn't for that window or my last bit of strength that had remained, I wouldn't be with them today. I don't know what they were planning but I knew that we had to get out of here before the sunset.

I for one did want to get ripped apart to shreds by wolves, or at least while I was still alive. The thought alone sent a bad taste to my mouth. I nearly stumbled over a piece of wood, falling straight into Daniel's arms. He had tagged along with us, departing from Damian's side for once.

"You should walk more carefully," he said, smiling down at me before quickly looking away. Well, that was odd. Without another, I steadied myself and paced ahead of him. He'd been acting strangely ever since my encounter with Jade. I don't know what his problem was, but he kept acting as if he was walking on eggshells around me. That was not a feeling I wanted people to have.

"I think I've found something," I heard Aiden call. We quickly gathered near his side, looking down at a nearly burnt lighter. I frowned in confusion, wondering what he was concluding at.

"How could a fire from a single fire burn down a house so easily? I don't think this was the cause."

"Hey, no one asked you what you thought," he snarled, pointing a finger straight at me. I glared at him in response wondering what he was implying. I couldn't understand what his issue was.

"I think I have there right to speak here, as much as you do," I replied angrily. "Seriously, what's your problem? It's like everything I say or do just causes you to go into a frenzy!"

"I don't know. You just smell of danger, both of you." He pointed at Maddie this time, but his eyes softened a bit.

"Oh no. You did just not say that I smelled," she screeched as soon as he turned his back and stomped in his direction, yelling some words that would have broken anyone's esteem.

I shook my head in dismay, still considering if I should follow them or just head back to our temporary camp. The second choice was seeming better.

"I have a theory," Daniel voiced. I jumped slightly, not realizing he was still behind me. "What if something we never considered caused it."

"Something like what?"

"It's rare, but I'm not ruling out the possibility," he said more to himself. "We need to get Damian, now. I have a feeling they'll be back soon." In a flash, he was already running towards the camp. I had no idea what he was insinuating but it seemed far beyond serious, and that frightened me.


A/N: Please feel free to take a look at my other stories. Sorry for this chapter being so short.

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Taja D'amore.  

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