Chapter Seven

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I sat in my supposed room staring at the television, although I wasn't really paying attention to anything that was being said. I was far off in dreamland.

"Knock knock," a voice said quietly from behind the door.

"Come in," I called lazily, throwing my head back on the pillow and staring at the ceiling. Maddie entered the room and sat on the bed next to me. She had two plates of food in her hands and they smelt really good.

"I brought lunch for you, I made it myself." I couldn't have resisted since I was really hungry and Maddie's cooking was practically the best.

"Thanks," I muttered as I took the plate from her.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"If you're still bugging me about my nightmares, I'm not saying anything," I replied while placing a piece of baked chicken into my mouth.

"You don't like Jade?" she asked suddenly causing to choke on the chicken and glare at her. "You're basically an open book so you didn't have to tell me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said turning my attention to the food once and ate slowly due to my aching throat... thanks to Maddie.

"Come on Ashley, I've known you for quite a while and believe me I know when you're lying." We lapsed into silence after that. She was busy staring off into space while I was deep in my thoughts. I didn't like Jade and I didn't know why but didn't stop me from getting the feeling that I knew her from somewhere else. She seemed vaguely familiar.

Then again, life was starting to blur as I started to wonder what path I would be taking if I stayed here and be a wolf. I couldn't even phase, and I was way beyond bored. Maybe a night out would be fun... I could use some hot energy. It was an odd suggestion, I didn't even know where that idea came from. I wasn't that kind of person that fancied clubs, but I'd do anything to get out of this house.

"Hey Maddie," I said breaking her thoughts.

"Yea," she seemed lost at the moment.

"Do you want to go a club and have fun?"

She grinned widely and said, "I thought you would never ask.


Surprisingly, Damian had allowed us to go out without any bulky men following us everywhere we went. I actually felt like the adult I was instead of being monitored like a stupid kid. Maddie had gone all out to look her best though I had to admit she looked cool. She was wearing a tight red dress and matching red lip gloss with gold sparkly heels. Some of the men downstairs in the kitchen had their eyes glued on her and she was making her way to meet me near the front door and into a car that was parked in the driveway to drive us to our destination.

It wasn't our idea but Damian insisted that it was better than sitting on a bus and that we would have probably gotten robbed there. It didn't make sense to me but I didn't argue because he would have just changed his mind if he didn't get his way.

By then we had arrived at a clubhouse called "Hot Lava". It wasn't really my style but Maddie insisted that we went to that club. I got out of the car, a cool breeze startling me causing goose bumps to rise upon my skin. Damn... I forgot my coat.

"Ready to party!" Maddie said, swaying her hips side to side. She was already looking drunk although she didn't drink anything yet. Before I could answer, she grabbed me by my arm and literally dragged me to the entrance and showed the security our Id's.

"Have a good time ladies," he said in a deep voice and nodded for us to enter. The club was alive and the atmosphere smelt of alcohol and sweat. Thin lines of light were moving in random directions as the music played loudly. There was a big crowd of people in the centre of the dance floor; some were dancing their butts off while others were busy making out with whatever random person they met.

"It's been a while since we've done this," Maddie said while leading me to the bar. She sat on one of the stools and ordered two drinks. She patted the seat next to her and after deliberating for a moment, I succumbed.

"Yes it's been a while," I said replying to her earlier comment.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to come here. Sometimes it's good to loosen up a bit and forget your worries for just a tiny bit of time." The bartender arrived and placed two small glasses in front of us and left. Maddie drank hers instantly and looked at me excitingly. With a sigh, I downed mine as well. With that being done, she dragged me to the dance floor and began dancing. The alcohol had begun to have a little effect on me as I swayed slowly to the music.

I noticed that eyes were on me but I ignored it moving closer to Maddie. She was beyond drunk since she had been back to the bar and downed a couple more drinks. I closed my eyes and kept them closed until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a smirking young man's eyes roaming up and down my body.

"May I help you?" I asked getting impatient when he didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah," he said snapping out of his daydream. "Would you like to dance?" he asked smiling.

Well, it took you a while to say that...



I love feedback!

Taja D'amore.

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