Chapter Eleven

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"Kyle, you can't be here. It's not safe," I warned him and tried to push him out but he managed to slip in.

"Nonsense," he mumbled and lounged on one of my sofas. "Look at you, always making up excuses when you see me." I closed the door behind me and hesitated to take a seat opposite him.

"Well then, what brings you here?" I asked trying my best to sound interested.

He frowned deeply and leaned forward. "To see you of course. What else?"

"Kyle, we're not together anymore. You don't need to keep checking on me."

"Then what kind of ex-boyfriend would I be?" I sighed and got up. This was not going to end nicely.

"I think it's time you left... believe me when I say it's for your own good."

"You know what," he said standing up. "When you get old, you'll be living with cats because you keep pushing all your friends away."

"You're not the only friend I have," I deadpanned.

"Well thanks for welcoming me so warmly," he said sarcastically as he made his way for the door.

"Kyle, it's just that you come at the wrong times." He simply shook his head and opened the door. I expected him to walk out but he just stood there staring into the darkness. He turned to look at me with a worried expression and said, "There's a group of people outside waiting for you."

I walked to him and peeped out the door and saw Jade standing there with several men. I was relieved since I thought it was those weird shadows that had come back for me.

"Jade, glad to see you!" I said and walked towards her. She smiled brightly and embraced me in a warm awkward hug. Apparently, neither of us considered each other close enough for that act of affection yet.

"I just came to check on how you were doing. Why don't you come over to my place and we'll talk about some stuff." I was more than happy to go since I was kind of afraid to go back into my house alone.

"Sure," I said and glanced at Kyle who was as puzzled as ever. Jade looked in his direction and smiled, "He can come too."

We got into the many cars she had parked along the street and drove to an expensive looking estate in a quiet neighborhood. To be honest, I thought she lived in the same house as Damian. We entered the house and were at once overwhelmed by the scent of delicious food attacking our noses. To me, it was as strong as ever. I still hadn't understood the sudden change in my senses.

My stomach grumbled as I stood in the middle of the entrance to the kitchen until Jade pushed me in. We sat at the table, dining on lasagna and baked chicken. We ate in silence, and I was uncomfortable the whole time since I could have sensed Jade scrutinizing every move I made. Eventually, she broke the silence after she patted her mouth with a napkin.

"Is everything going well at home?" she asked.

"Sure, why did you ask?" I said puzzled, still digging into my food.

"No reason. Anything strange happened tonight?" she continued with the odd questions. Then again, I decided to push my suspicions away and filled in the gap with concern. Maybe she was concerned, so I decided to tell her what happened.

"Well yes. There were some shadows in my kitchen... and they spoke."

Jade just stared at me. Maybe for once, she thought I was crazy. "Are you serious?" she finally said after moments of silence.

"Look, this may sound crazy to you but I'm telling the truth. I'm insa..."

"No no no. This is serious. These weren't just any shadows. They were sent by vampires." Vampires? When was this going to end?

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