Chapter Nineteen

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The cement floors did nothing to make me comfortable and the fact I was down here alone made it worse. Apparently, I was on a killing spree about two days ago. And Damian thought this was a good idea to keep me inside here to prevent me from harming others and myself when I lost control.

According to him, I was gaining more contact to my wolf side, but I had no idea how to maintain it. It had a tendency to lash out unexpectedly, and with the consent with Mason, he had me locked in a cell, in their basement.

I wasn't allowed to see anyone, only the two Alphas for safety precautions. It was a long way, but as long as I didn't hurt anyone else, I was okay with it. The sound of metal grazing against cement startled me a bit. It only a plate of food being shoved into my cell, and some fresh water. I felt like a caged animal, when technically I was one but I still had some human in me.

I heard footsteps and in an instant, I felt a growl being erupted from my throat. I didn't even know how to control it.

"Easy," I heard a male voice say, and soon Liam's face came into view. "I'm just checking up on you." I eyed him carefully, he didn't seem like a threat and furthermore, he did give us a place to stay.

"Oh.... okay," I said slowly. He smiled a bit then he face went back to its normal serious expression.

"I actually came to talk," he said, pulling up a stool near my cell. He took a seat slowly as if he was anticipating my reaction. Like I was some wild animal waiting to pounce. I nodded nonetheless, and sat on the floor, crossing my legs.

"Damian told me all about you, and I was just curious as to why you only found your wolf now," he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I don't understand..."

"Are you some kind of experiment, some hybrid of some sort?"


"A normal wolf won't just go on a rampage, killing innocent people. A normal wolf can control its urges for blood." He was starting to sound angry.

"Why are you mad?" I tried defending myself. "I didn't harm these people in my right mind. You can't possibly think I'm a monster."

"As long as you're a threat to pack, I would consider you a monster. You're just lucky that Damian managed to convince me to keep you here, because I would have sent you off to be the omega you should be. That's what omegas do anyway, they kill people mercilessly."

"Alpha Liam, I know deep down inside you don't really think I'm that kind of person. And if anyone should be complaining it should be me! I've been held at Damian's house without a choice of returning home and when I finally did, his weird girlfriend sent some horde of vampires behind me, and then my stupid ex decided to show up and then Damian's house got burned and now I'm in a cage cell, shivering in the dreadful cold at night! What did I do to go through this, all I wanted was to find out what really happened to my mom..."

"Hmmm," he huffed. "Some story you've got there, but I'm not cutting any slack on you." He stood up and pulled a long needle from his pocket and took a step towards my cell.

"What's that for?" I asked, taking a step back.

"We just a sample of your blood to do some tests. Don't you want to know why you can't control yourself?" He took one more step and this time I stayed. "Give me your arm," he demanded and I complied.

When the tube was filled with the bright red liquid, he turned to leave.

"I hope I find nothing suspicious, because my next visit down here won't be as calm as this one," he said before closing the door behind his back.

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