Chapter Twenty One

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I winced every time I stepped on a twig of some sort as it echoed through the vacant, yet scary forest. So far I had no encounters, and there still wasn't any sign of a nearby town and I doubt villages existed in this part of town. How could I even say that? I had no idea where I was...

With no gadgets or simple instruments, I had to gaze at the position of the sun to decide whether I was doomed or not. So far, it was in the midst of the sky which by commonsense, had me concluding that it was midday. My feet were beginning to grow weary and my heart thumped so hard in my chest that it brought some sense of pain along with it.

It wasn't long before I heard the fizzing of water somewhat in the distance. It wasn't long before I came upon a short precipice which overlooked the small yet glistening waterfall. I watched,  a bit dazed as the cool liquid splashed upon the sharp edged rocks, inviting me to cool off. I wasted no time in bounding down the slightly steep hill, and before I knew it, my hands were filled with the refreshing substance as I brought it to my face.

I allowed the slight darkness to fall on me, deciding to stay there for night. My instincts seemed bearable, thinking that staying by a waterfall would keep me safe for the night. I lazily laid my head against one of the rocks behind me and shut my eyes, falling in sync with the rushing sound of the water.


A sneak peak of Damian's POV
One day before releasing Ashley...

"What are you doing?" I asked, frowning in confusion as I came into view with the various sized bottles with coloured liquids in them. Liam seemed so preoccupied with his weird experiments that he didn't even notice me in the room. He was like that from the time we were kids growing up. 

"Liam!" I raised my voice a bit, to make sure he heard me.

"Wha?" he turned with some test tubes in his hands, looking puzzled. Soon the expression turned to realization and before I knew it, he was pulling me towards the long table. "I think I've found something, but you own sake, I hope it's not true."

"Found something? What are you talking-" He pulled a long tube filled with a thick red substance. "Please tell me this isn't blood."

"Yes it is. I made a test that determines whether we have wolf blood or not. That way we can tell if a young child's a wolf before they grow close to the age of turning. I think I made a break through!" He was glowing, the first I'd seen in years.

"Are you sure this works?" I was always scared of his inventions. Somehow, nothing good ever came out of them.

"I don't know. That's why I have this blood here to test it. You see, if the blood turns blue it means they're a wolf but if it stays red, it means they're human. Our blood has certain cells that react to the liquid I made." He pointed to a jug filled of clear liquid, it just looked like plain water. "I tested it on myself and it glowed blue, so I'm checking to see if my whole theory is valid."

I watched as he took a small pipette from a draw, and squeezed the tip into the clear liquid so that it filled the narrow tube. He had a crooked smile om his face as he squeezed the pipette over the blood and we waited for a reaction. After a few minutes we grew impatient.

"I guess this person was a human," he shrugged and began packing his equipment. I nodded in agreement. still gazing at the blood. It was then I noticed the purple specs that started to appear. The specs got bigger and bigger turning into blobs.

"Liam," I said slowly. "Is this supposed to happen?" He came over, eyes widening as the colour overtook the natural red pigment.

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like it." Soon he was rushing over to his bookshelf pulling out books until he came upon a dark green one. He returned to the table, flipping through the pages until he found what he wanted, earning a gasp from him.

"What is it?" I inquired. He looked horrified. 

"This purple disorder," he said disgusted. "Needs to be extinguished."


"THAT'S THE BLOOD OF AN OMEGA!" he roared, his wild eyes resting on me. "I can't believe you brought one here. You should know the rules!"

"What are you talking about? And who's blood is this anyway?" 

"That thing we have in the cage of my basement is an omega! We have to kill her."


"She's a danger to my pack, and yours as well. I should have noticed the signs from the time you brought her here. That killing spree was questionable, and now the towns people hate us."

"Liam, she just found her wolf! It's normal!"

"Normal?! You've been blinded. New wolves don't kill, in fact they have trouble doing so!" I was silent for a while, knowing he was right. She was a danger, although I knew she wouldn't intentionally hurt someone.

"Well, isn't there something else we can do, apart from killing her?" I asked with pleading eyes. "Like drop deep in a vacant area, or far away from us."

"You're getting really soft," he commented before walking angry. I knew he'd agree with me, he wasn't that cold.

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