20-{Lost Love!💔}

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Third Person's Pov
Next morning Shriya was sitting in her office cabin with her head in her hands as she hadn't slept even for a moment since last night when eveyrthing had just went awry. Shriya had finally started to get more open and mixed up in this relationship letting down her walls, she had just started to feel comfortable when once again her heart was broken into pieces, and this time the peices felt like too much to pick them up again.

Shriya had never imagined that something like this would happen again after coming back from the Goa trip with Ishan because he'd made so many promises and said all those things about loving her so much, but then just with some words he'd ruined it again! Shriya felt void of all the emotions and couldn't understand the reason behind Ishan's behaviour because deep inside somewhere in her heart....she still felt like these weren't Ishan's real feelings! He was lying about not loving her anymore.

He looked so hurt and torn while saying those things to her that one would think that he's the one being dumped.....he didn't look like his usual self and not even cold. He just looked heartbroken as if he's had enough of everything. 

Shriya was lost in her own thoughts when someone came and knocked on the door and she looked up coming out of her trance, Abhishek came inside and kept looking at her while Shriya just looked down at her hands when Abhishek forwarded a cup of coffee towards her and said, "Looks like you need this.....did you not get enought sleep? Or are you not feelings better? You don't look fine Chia!"

"It's nothing!" Shriya said almost in a murmur still looking down and Abhishek just sighed while saying, "Don't lie to me....you know I catch it everytime! You didn't even pick up my calls last night....what's wrong Chia?" 

"Ishan....broke up with me!" Shriya finally said while looking up as tears welled up in her eyes and Abhishek just looked at her in shock, "He said....he doesn't love me....anymore Abhay! He said all those things....to me himself....but I just....I don't want to believe him Abhay!" Shriya said as tears were flowing down her eyes and Abhishek just got up as he went upto her and hugged her, "I can't believe this guy.....who does he think he is! How can he hurt you every single time like its nothing out of the ordinary!" Abhishek murmured while he kept caressing her hair slowly to calm her down.

"It hurts Abhay......he kept promising me that he wouldn't hurt me again and again and I kept believing him again and again like an idiot!" Shriya said while breaking the hug and Abhishek just sat in front of her while wiping her tears and then spoke up, "He doesn't deserve you Chia....he doesn't know the value of your feelings and your heart, he takes it all for granted! you should never cry for a person who doesn't value your heart! Okay I don't wanna see you cry for him....he's not worth your tears"

"I don't know! I guess its me....maybe I'm someone not worthy of love...I guess I don't desrve anyone's love! Abhay I know he hurted me but will you believe me if I say that those words didn't sounded genuine at all! It was like he was telling that to himself more than me....it was like he was hurting more on the inside! I don't think it's his fault this time....I think he's afraid of something! I just don't know what" Shriya said while shaking her head and Abhishek just sighed while running a hand through his hair as he looked at her and said, "Are you seriously taking his side right now? Can you ever consider your feelings first Chia? Haalat dekhi hai tune apni? He fucking hurted you so much aur tu abhi bhi uske feelings ki fikar kar rhi hai? You can't keep everyone ahead of yourself.......You need to prioritize your feelings Chia not his!" 

"I understand what you're saying Abhay....but I just----" Shriya was saying when Abhishek interrupted her again saying, "No buts Chia.....Not anymore! I can't see you getting hurt anymore....I asked you to stay away from them from the very starting but you didn't listen to me....can you please listen to me just this once! Those people are not good for you! You'll only end up getting hurt everytime-----can you--" Abhishek was saying when Shriya just shook her head as she said, "But I still miss him Abhay! I still miss him even after he said he doesn't love me anymore....I feel more sad for him than myself" 

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