10th November, 1985

503 3 6


will: I'm so bored.

el: me too, we've been hanging out in your room too long.

will: I knowww..

El: what should we do?

will: we could go to the arcade?

el: okay!

will: okay, let's get one our bikes!  

el: should we bring the party?

will: yeah let's knock for them on the way!

(El and will knocked for everyone and now they are all biking to palace arcade)

will: we used to come here so much as kids.

mike: stop, we were so little omg

Dustin: calm down jeez it was only a few years ago-

Lucas; wow dustin, ruined the couple moment.

will: SHUT UP LUCAS!!!!

max: 😉

after 30 mins

will: it's not my go yet, I'm gonna go catch some air outside.

Mike: okay!

(Will walks out the back door and sits on the pavement, thinking hard.)

will: could Mike actually like me back..? no no, that's crazy if me to think that. he's my best friend! nothing else right! Oh my god I'm literally talking to myself, I'm so stupid!!

Mike: will, you aren't stupid.

Will: (SHIT, did he hear that????) will thought.

Mike: will...

(Mike moves closer to will and sits next to him.)

Mike: Will, I love you too.

(They kiss as the sun was setting through the trees in the forest.)

Mike: now come on! You're up on dig dug!

will: okay!

(They walk in holding hands)


max: SO CUTE!!

Dustin: I literally knew it.

Lucas: bro come on will, it's your go!

will: calm down jeez!!!

(Will had his turn and when they were finished they rode back to their houses, dropping them off one by one. Then it came to only will, el and Mike.)

Mike: can I have a sleepover?

will: of course!

el: 🙄🙄🙄

(They rode back to will and els house and went inside)

el: I'm going to my room, I'll check on you later but I want no funny business!

will: jeez, okay "mum"

el: honestly

(Will and Mike go into wills room and will closes the door)

Mike: we are all aloneeeee

will: god you make it sound weird-

Mike: ugh what do u wanna do?

will: ummm we can play dnd?

Mike: it's too late for that 😭

will: fine then, let's cuddle.

Mike: ummm yes!!

(Will got into bed, followed by Mike. Will pulled the blanket ontop of them and Mike pulled will closer, will put his leg over Mike placed one of his hands on wills waist and the other on his face. They both kissed themselves to sleep as the lay on the pillows.)


El: hey will im going to bed do u want anyth-

El: omg

(El takes and picture and goes to the gc)


elloveseggos: guys! Anyone awake!!!??

madmax6: what is it El?

dustybun: what is it?

Lucasthegreat: what's up???

Elloveseggos: Mike and will are cuddling and it's so cute, they are fast asleep.

madmax6: send.

elloveseggos: *image*

dustybun: oh my god that's actually so cute

Lucasthegreat: it literally is-

elloveseggos: I'm going to sleep, update y'all in the morning 😉

Madmax6: goodnight el :)



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