11th January,1986(2)

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(Will stood there, his BOYFRIEND was there kissing eleven in the isle of the shop. Jonathan caught up to see why will was stood there and then he saw. Will had no words to say. He really thought Mike loved him. I mean, who would love a stupid zombie boy.)

Jonathan: holy shit what the hell!!!!

(Mike stopped kissing el at the familiar sound. He looked over, he saw Jonathan standing there looking infuriated and then will. Will looked as though he'd seen a ghost. Eleven and Mike looked so guilty.)

Jonathan: how the hell could you do this Mike?! What the hell?!

Mike: I-I

Eleven: w-we-

Jonathan: this is so so so wrong!! What the hell! You know what wills gone though and you go and cheat on him?! And you el?! Your own brother?! Wait till Joyce and hopper hear about this. I'm so so so so annoyed.

Will: I-I

(Jonathan tooo Will by the hand and dragged him out of the store, Mike tried to run up to them.)

Mike: will wait! Please!

(They had already left.)

with Lucas, dustin and max: they were at Dustin's house

max: I'm bored 🥹

Lucas: sameeee idk what we can do though

Dustin: same, Mike and will are prob kissing and idk about el

max: yeah she's not hung out with me lately, maybe she has got a new friend?

Lucas; oh yeah, maybe. You'll always be her bff though max! She literally looks up to you

max: yeah I'm not worried!

Dustin: should I Radio Mike and see what's going on??

Lucas: yeah

max: okay!

(Dustin picks up his radio and turns it on)

Dustin: Mike! Do you copy???

Mike: hey Dustin! Uh I cant Talk right now

El: yeah a lot has gone wrong!!

Dustin: you're with ?! Where's will?! Is he with you guys?!

Mike: uh no, not exactly..

Dustin: ok what the hell is going on?!

Mike: sorry I got to go!!'

Dustin: Mike?? MIKE!!! MIKE!

Max: what the hell happened?

Dustin: he's with el. No sign of will. I asked will was and he said he had to go!

max: um?

Lucas: should we go to Wills if Mike won't pick up?

max: yeah, maybe wills not okay and Mike doesn't want to talk about it?

Dustin; yeah, let's go!

with Will and Jonathan

(They both got into Jonathan's car and Jonathan started driving, to get away from this shop quickly. He looked over to Will, his eyes were red already, he was shaking and crying uncontrollably.)

Jonathan: hey will, It's going to be okay. I promise!

will: I-it's not you don't get it!!! Mike.. I thought I could really trust him! I thought he actually liked me! I mean who am I kidding who would like a stupid zombie boy with too much trauma?

(Jonathan frowned and tried to comfort Will all the way home but as they got home will opened the front door and ran to his bedroom, Joyce was home from work. )

Joyce: what the hell?! I've never seen Will look so upset what the hell happened?!

Jonathan: at the shops. We saw uh. Mike and el. kissing.

Joyce; what the fuck?! Mike was dating Will!! And he knows what Will has gone though!!  This is outrageous I can't believe it !!!

Jonathan: I DIDNT know what to do. I tried to comfort Will but he was saying such mean things about himself I couldn't take it..

(Jonathan started to cry and they hugged each other.)

30 minutes pass

(Joyce tried to talk to Will but he wouldn't open the door. He couldn't believe he trusted Mike. )

(Then there was a knock at the door, Joyce opened it to see dustin, lucas and max.)

Max: is will Home?

Joyce: yeah but idk if this is the right time..

dustin: so something did happen? that's why Mike didn't want to tell us? He was too hurt to say as Will got hurt??

Joyce: not exactly.. Mike was the one who hurt will.

Lucas: what??

max: no way what happened?!

(Joyce explained everything to them and they all looked so upset.)

max: how the hell could Mike do such a thing!! I thought he was really into Will!!'

Lucas: he was..

Dustin: this doesn't add up!

max: can we try talk to will?

Joyce: you can try. Come in!

(Joyce let's them in and they take off their shoes and coats and go up to wills bedroom door.)



omg tysm for almost 7k reads this is crazy!!! Making this hurt my soul as I love Will so much ☹️☹️☹️

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