29th December,1985(4)

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waiter: the police and ambulance are on their way!!

Dustin: shit shit it's going to be to late..

Mike: come on el, please..

(Mike was shaking as Will was floating in the air, dustin put his hand on mikes shoulder to calm him down. Everyone had evacuated the restaurant.)



vecna: you are about to die William byers.

will: p-please...

(Will was choking as vecnas hand was right above his head. Vecna took a second and then lifted his hand higher. El now knew she needed to step in.)

(El came out from where she was hiding behind and screamed and threw vecna away, making will falll down, and el ran over to him.)

El: will! Will! Are you okay?!

will: yeah.. fine. Thank you el.

el: it's going to be okay, we got this.


(Will fell down and Mike caught him.)

Mike: that's it el! You can do it!

(Will was now say on the floor again, still in his trance.)

Mike: how isn't he out yet?

Dustin: she hasn't done enough to vecna...



(Vecna came back and made el go into the air, Will stood there not knowing what to do.)

vecna: nice to see you back, eleven.

el: l-let me go!

(El pushed back and pushed vecna onto the wall. But vecna fought back and shoved el into the wall using his powers aswell.)

vecna: you have lost eleven, now I'm going to kill you to end this. Then I will kill your brother!

(Will DIDNT know what to do, he stood there crying. El was struggling to move and vecna carried on telling her his plan on ending the world.)


(El was shaking and her nose was bleeding loads. Tears ran down wills eyes)

Mike: el, what's going on???

Dustin: somethings wrong.

max: wills crying again, I'm sure El can do this.



(Will had had enough, vecna was about to kill his sister. He wanted his suffering to end. These horrible visions and all these horrible things vecna says to him. Will picked up a massive piece of wood from the floor that was covered in vines, he charged behind vecna and smashed it into his head, el came back down and got to her feat. Vecna was in lots of pain.)

vecna: w-What have you done byers... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?

(Will gulped and walked backwards whilst el got up and vecna walked towards him.)

vecna: you have a lot of nerve, f@g!

(El had enough, she screamed and used her telekinesis and she crushed vecnas head, causing him to tumble to the floor lifeless. El breathing fast and will trembling, will fell to the floor and el ran over.)

el: we need to get back will,
Hold my hand.

(El took of her blindfold and helped will get back. )

they are all back now

Mike: holy shit!!! El will!

(Will fell into mikes arms and slowly drifted off, he had fainted.)

el: I'm okay, vecnas gone. I beat him.

max: great job el! Im so proud!

(Mike stroked wills head and could see will looked exhausted.)

Dustin: so much happened..

(The paramedics walked into the restaurant and took will, mike could go with. The others went home.)


(Will was in a hospital bed and mike sat next to him. Joyce was on her way and mike was staring at will.)


To be continued 😕

unfortunately there's more to happen🥹🥹

<tysm for #1 byler again HAHA TYSM>

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