11th November,1985

480 3 9

(Major drama)

will: Mike, wake up?

mike: HUH oh I'm awake, what's the time?

will: it'a 10:42

Mike: SHIT- I need to get home! My mums gonna kill me (literally)

will: okay! want me to take you home?

Mike: no it's okay really, I'll be off now!

(Mike rode his bike back home and his mum was fine with it as he said he was at wills and he was only back 10 mins late.)


dustybun: I'm so bored is anyone else?

elloveseggos: me too-

willlovesdnd: yep me too...

elloveseggos: um will, off topic but can you get the door? I'm finishing my work for school.

willlovesdnd: fine I'll brb.

michaelwheeler123: damn el, does he have to do everything?

madmax6: someone's in love jeez-

michaelwheeler123: shut up!

elloveseggos: hang on wills shouting at someone at the door..

michaelwheeler123: what's going on?!


will: go away lonnie, I don't want to see you ever again!!

lonnie: no no will, come with me. I can fix you out of this gay, fairy stuff you are experiencing.

will: shut up lonnie!

lonnie: call me dad.

will: I will never call you my dad, ever.

(Lonnie feels enraged, he punches will across the face and is about to stomp on him when he gets flung backwards and knocks into a tree)

lonnie: what is this supernatural shit?! Bet it's wills fairy's-

(El lifts him up again and throws him across the tree multiple times from across the road. No one would want to go near him- at this point Will was on the floor and el was in front of Will standing just outside the front door)

el: mess with our family again, and I'll kill you.

lonnie: s-sorry!


(Lonnie hurried to his car and quickly drove off)

(El then rushed over to will)

El: shit you okay?

(At this point Mike was at the door)

Mike: I saw lonnie drive off in his car, blood everywhere! What happened?

(Then he saw will on the floor)

Mike: will? Shit what did he do?!

Will: I'm okay really.. he wanted to take me back and he started a fight because I wouldn't call him dad..

El: we are so sorry will.. im always here to protect you. I'm sure he won't come back.

will: you don't know lonnie, he doesn't stop till he gets what he wants.

Mike: will.. we are here for you, I promise.

(and at that exact moment wills eyes rolled back and went into another trance)


(Mike rushed in his pocket and pulled out his walky talky and radiod everyone to get them to come to wills. They arrived a couple minutes later)

Dustin: shit!! How long has he been in the trance..?

el: 5 minutes...


unknown: will, you don't have much time.

will: shut up, vecna! I know who you are. We all know now. El knows you, you are from that lab, aren't you?

vecna: Just because you know about me, doesn't mean you can end me.

will: but we can. We always do! El has always beaten you!

vecna: but not this time.

will: you have given me so many visions! Why cant you just kill me and get it over with?!

vecna: I cant kill you, we are connected still. So I just need to use you.

will: what?

vecna: exactly, so if you and your 'friends' try to kill me, it will only hurt you too.

(Wills eyes roll back to normal and he falls back to the floor again, due to the change of worlds)

el: WILL? that was a really long vision?! What happened?!

will: h-he...

Mike: shhh, take it slow. It's okay! You are with us now..

will: he said we are connected and he can't kill me. And if you will kill him, it will kill me.

el; what?!

will: I just need to die, then you guys can live in peace!

Mike: no way! We aren't letting that happen!!!

El: never.

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