11th january 1986(4)

168 0 7

there was a knock at the door.

max: did you guys hear that??

Lucas: what if it's Mike and el.

(Will looked nervous, he didn't want to see Mike right now. Max noticed will was nervous.)

max: hey will, it's okay. We are always be your side and wouldn't want anything to happen to you :) plus it might not even be Mike!!

from the other room

Joyce: ahh Mike!! El!! Come in come in! Me and Jonathan are about to go out so you can stay here.

Jonathan: mum I-

Joyce: Jonathan come on.

Mike: bye guys!

(Joyce and Jonathan left and shut the door, Mike and el were taking their shoes off)

back with Will, max, lucas and Dustin

Lucas: well never mind it is him.

(Tears started forming in wills eyes again. He couldn't stand to hear mikes voice anymore..)

Max: hey will! It's okay. I'll go and confront them with Lucas. Dustin you stay in here with will okay?

Dustin: okay!

Lucas: let's do it.

Will: thank you guys!

(Max opened the door and her and Lucas stepped out. They shut the door behind them. They walked towards Mike and el who just finished taking their shoes off)

Max: and you have the audacity to come here?!

Mike: max??

Max: what?! Huh?! Confused why I'm here?! Surely you shouldn't be because you are the reason!!

El: Max it isn't his faul-

Max: i thought you were trusted. Both of you. And you do something like that?! To Will! After all he's been through do you really think that's cool?!

Lucas: it's vile.

Mike: no you don't understand..

Max: what is it?!

El: just let him explain..

Lucas: 30 seconds. Start.

Mike: look. My dad hasn't been accepting me for my true self recently and he keeps on telling me "oh you shouldn't like boys!!" "You're a disappointment!" And he said if he caught me actually kissing a girl he would leave me alone about it because it was "proof". He happened to be at the store where it happened and I thought it was a chance to do it. I hated it. I truly did. But it had to be done. But then I saw will. I tried to run after him but it was no use.

Lucas: ..

Max: and how do we know you aren't lying?!

Mike: you've seen how much I love and care for will. I care about him so so much. I would rather jump off a cliff than hurt him.

Max: well you best jump off a cliff because he's in a state and it's your fault.

(Max walks back to wills bedroom and shuts the door.)

Lucas: damn dude. You gotta make this up to Will. I would leave for now.

(Lucas walked into wills room and shut the door again.)

(Mike didn't say a word. He got his shoes on and el followed and they walked out and shut the front door. El could see mikes eyes tearing up and then he just fell to the floor and a waterfall came from his eyes.)

Mike: what have I done... it's all my fault!

(Mike slapped himself round the face really hard.)

El: Mike Stop! It's not your fault!

Mike: who's is it then?!

El: come on Mike let's just get home.

Mike: exactly you can't answer because it's my fault!! My fucking fault. Just go. Leave me. I want to be alone.

El: Mike-

Mike: leave!

(El gets up and slowly walks away. She can't go back inside because she doesn't want to hurt Will so she just goes for a walk around the town. Mike gets up and heads for his favourite spot. The quarry.)

Mike: I'm so stupid!! This is all my fault! Maybe if I was actually normal this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if I just made my dad deal with it!!

Troy: well well well.. look who's here with all red eyes and looking like a mess.


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