11th November, 1985(3)

383 5 25

5 mins after the incident, will had calmed down.

Dustin: jeez that was a scare.. you okay will?

will: yeah, fine.

Mike: Look will, lets go home.

will: no its fine I'll ruin the day, you guys go skate!

Mike: I'll stay with you, you guys go.

Dustin: okay!

Lucas: okay

el: okay, hope youre ok will!

will: im fine.

(Dustin, Lucas, max and El went back to the rink to skate. Mike and will sat back on the table in the corner.)

Mike: do you want to talk about what happened?

will: well, I was just skating with you guys and I got a bit behind and I was looking around and saw Troy. And then he said where you were and that you didn't care and I said you did and then he pushed me over and everyone was calling me name. But then you saved me.

Mike: I'm so sorry, I should of been with you.

will: it's okay, you couldn't of done anything.

(Mike and will hugged and carried on talking)

Troy: hey James look! it's the f@g and his boyfriend!

(James is troys friend)

(James and Troy walked over to them. Wills heart dropped.)

Mike: you have done enough to him Troy, leave him alone.

Troy: awww, you protecting your little boyfriend.
How about I have your boyfriend?

Mike: leave.

(Mike was stood face to face with Troy, will behind Mike and James next to Troy. Mike knew troy could beat him in a fight so he was trying to act tough.)

Troy: no thanks, now Move aside.

(Troy pushed Mike aside causing him to fall to his feet.)

Troy: weak.

(Troy walked up to Will and grabbed his waist.)

Troy: why you looking terrified and uncomfortable, aren't you gay? 😂

will: l-leave me alone..

Mike; LET GO OF HIM!!!

(Mike lunged at Troy but James help him up, James was a lot stronger than Mike so Mike was just screaming at Troy.)

will: please stop.

(Troy held onto will tighter.)

Troy: shouldn't you be liking this?

(Will started to cry, he tried to move Troy's hands but he couldn't. Troy moved one of his hands up to wills face, lifting up his chin.)


max: hey bitch!

(Troy let go of Will and turned around, as did James let go of Mike. Troy turned around and max punched him straight in the face, causing him to pass out. James ran over and helped Troy, they left as quick as they could. Mike ran over to Will)

Mike: you okay will?

will: I wanna go home.

el: I'll call Jonathan to pick us up. He can put our bikes ontop of his car.

Dustin: me, Lucas and Max can bike if you want?

El: is that okay?

Max: of course!

Lucas: sure!

(Mike, el and will walked to Jonathan's car as el called him and they got in.)

Jonathan: did I have to pick yall up (jokingly)

el: now is not the time.

(Jonathan looked at will and Mike through the mirror on the car and saw Will leaning into Mike and wills eyes bright red)

Jonathan: holy shit what happened to will?

Mike: basically he got humiliated and then s3xually assaulted by troy.

jonathan: shit.

will: I don't wanna talk about it.

el: let's go home and to bed.

(Jonathan drives them all home and comforts will for a while, then Mike and will sleep in wills bed and el in her room. Mike cuddled Will the whole night.)


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