4th January,1986

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(Mike had woken up late at Wills. Will was still sleeping. El came into Wills Room.)

El: jeez, will not awake?

Mike: nope

El: i say you Kiss him, that will wake him up😊

Mike: Shut upppp

El: come on pleaseee and im back from maxs already And yall are still sleeping 😥

(Mike thought Will looked really cute in his sleep, but wanted to wake him up as it was already 10:30 in the morning.)

mike: Fine!!!!

(Mike crawled over to Wills part of the bed, el
Still watching from the door way. Mike moved Wills head and kissed him on the lips, will slowly opened his eyes.)

Mike: morning princess.

will: omg what time is it 🙄


will: E-el??? Since when was she here?!

Mike: it's kinda 10:35 and SHES Back from maxs already-

will: 10:35?!

(Wills sounded a bit surprised when he said this, as if he was going to be late for something. IN which he was.)

El: what's wrong will?? We don't have anything on Today?!

will: um... lonnie wanted a catch up with me. And to discuss... things..

el: and Not Jonathan?

Will: no, Just me for some reason.

el: nah You're Not going, THATS messed up. What time?

will: 11:30

Mike: will.. you know you don't have to go-

will: It's Fine, really!

el: okay IM leaving, you both GET READY!

Mike: damnnnn chill out, almost worse than my sister!

will: haha!

Mike: anyways, why didn't you tell me about the meeting with you know.

will: I DIDNT want you to worry about me!

Mike: you know I only want what's best for you will. I don't want you getting hurt. I cant risk this.

(Will sat up in bed and hugged mike tight, a very reassuring hug. Then mike got up and started getting ready. Will then moved his legs and tried to stand. He could stand again!! He was so happy! He could walk again, but only slowly.)

mike: will!!! You are recovering so fast IM SO happy for you!

will: t-thanks mike!

(They both got ready And Mike did have to help will a little bit as he was struggling.)


(Joyce got home but was so tired she went off to bed, Jonathan out somewhere with argyle again. Probably getting high.)

Mike: soo will? How you getting to lonnies?

will: I was gonna bik-

mike: absolutely not!! I'm taking you, you are LICKY IM letting you go!

will: fineee :)

El: overprotective much!

mike: Shut up! We'll Take Nancys car, im a super good driver 😕😕😳😟(Not)

will: nance can drive us!

mike: okay, I'll call her over here as obviously you can't bike there!

(Nancy came over and it was 11:25, will was getting ready. He was very scared about What lonnie still thought about him, was all his childhood Just a lie? Did lonnie actually care? )


Nancy: will, mike! Come on let's go!

(Will told nancy the address and talked to El and el was obviously saying if something happened she would fight lonnie but will needed to leave or he would be late. He didn't talk to Mike or nancy much IN the car as he was nervous.)

at lonnies house.



<IVE been SO busy atm and have no motivation sorry😇😇>

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