Jenna Malone Horan

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Name: Jenna Malone Horan

Age: 7

Birthday: December 24th

Favorite color: Light purple

Family: Mom (Emma), Dad (Niall), Brother (Liam)

Best friends: Darcy Anne and Stephanie Angel Styles (15), Prim Payne (15), Harry Edward Tomlinson (13), Liam Jawaad Horan (12), Lyric James Malik (11), Melody Anne Malik (11), Louis William Styles (10), Eleanor Jane Styles (10), Jenna Malone Horan (7)

Bio: Hi there, I'm Jenna. I'm seven years old and I am sort of shy. I love cake and sweets! I like to watch movies and play games. My dad is my hero! He is amazing and incredible! I am a lot like my aunt Danielle apparently. I love helping people and keeping people from getting sad. I hate conflict and I hate it when people fight. When someone starts fighting I just start bawling. The only ones who can console me are my cousins Darcy and Stephanie. I almost died when I was born but luckily I didn't. I guess that's why I love life so much! <3

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