Chapter fourteen, Are we.... Lost!?

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'Okay so this is where we're staying?' Stephanie thought, obviously the campgrounds turned out to be much more beautiful than she would have expected, or even imagined, but still... She had a bad, uneasy, feeling about this whole trip; period.

"Aw relax, Steph! Live a little, yanno, while you're young." Stephanie Styles grumbled in response to Louis Tomlinson's teasing, and shook her head to clear herself of all thoughts.

"Tch, I'll relax when I get to sleep, Uncle Louis." She grunted and went to pick up the bag on the ground, but she hadn't been paying attention and stumbled over a few steps.

"Whoa there love," Jayden said as his arm went around her waist to help her balance.

"Thanks, Jay," She grinned, with a light blush. Jayden grinned back and her heart fumbled a beat.

"No problem," He said and swung the bad over his shoulder with no effort. She felt a pang of jealousy at that but it quickly disappeared.

"Anyway, Jayden, the cabins are up there." Harry said while pointing up a hill.

"Thanks Hazza," Jayden smiled and Harry chuckled before shoving the couple towards the cabins and going over to help Erika.

"By the way, Jayden, Emil, girls get one cabin and boys get the other one!" Liam joked and earned himself a few chuckles.

"To the cabin," Jayden said rhetorically, knowing that Stephanie would of course take his hand and come with him.

She smiled softly and took his hand, leading the way up to the cabins.

"Darc, come on." Emil sighed, a small smile on his lips.

"No! I will carry this bag all on my own!" That's one thing he loved most about her, that she was so stubborn yet so shy at the same time.

"What's in the bag, anyway?" Emil asked curiously.

"Well," Darcy started, "It has my swim clothes, pajamas, and clothes in it." She explained. The taller male chuckled and shook his head before taking the other bags from her and heading towards the cabin with her in tow.

He ignored the curious stares he got from the rest of the family and continued on by her side.

"Hey Em, thanks for coming with me here I owe you big time." Darcy said with a bowed head.

"It's okay Darc, and maybe you can make it up to me by making up with your sister." He winked. She blushed and smiled as though she had won the lottery.

"OKAY!" She said happily, a small, but noticeable skip in her step.

"Let's go to the lake!" Prim called as she threw her clothes off in the middle of the cabin, dropped to barely anything, hid in a blanket, and pulled up her swim clothes.

"That had better be your blanket." Stephanie eyed her suspiciously and Prim flashed Stephanie a huge cheeky smile.

"Come on Steph, let's go swim!" Darcy said from behind her, already changed as well.

"Uhm..." Stephanie didn't know how to answer; she and Darcy hadn't talked much but now? Now she wanted to talk?

"Please?" Just like that, Stephanie knew that she had to give in.

"Fiiine," She groaned as an answer.

"GET. BACK. HERE!" Prim screamed as Darcy ran past her.

"No way!" Darcy yelled back.

"You're going down! You'd think that you would understand but no you just had to splash my hair!" Prim said with a glare causing Darcy to smirk.

"What can I say? It's a rule. You get in water your hair will get wet." She said.

"Ugh!" Prim said with a laugh before splashing Darcy, causing her to fall back and squish the unfortunate Stephanie who just so happened to be swimming by at the time.

"Oof," Stephanie said as the air was knocked out of her.

"Sorry sis!" Darcy said. Stephanie rolled her eyes, still not happy with her sister.

"Can ya get off? Your butt is bony." Stephanie said.

"Sure." Darcy stood up quickly.

"Girls," Erika yelled causing the three to look over. "Get dressed, Prim you and your dad are going to town for some supplies. Darcy, you and Stephanie are coming with your father, Jayden, Emil, and I on a hike." They nodded and got out of the water, having been in there for two hours already.

They got in the cabin and changed, Prim just wearing a sweat outfit with her hair up while Stephanie and Darcy both put on outfits and pulled their hair up as well.

Darcy was trying not to laugh at Stephanie's choice of hoodie.

"What?" Stephanie snapped, embarrassed.

"Nothing..." Darcy said and looked down at her outfit.

Nothing too over the top for a simple hike, of course

"Where are we...?" Erika asked.

"I have no clue..." Harry said. They'd been walking for hours, it was 5:30 and the sun was setting earlier, thanks to day-light savings time.

"There are three different paths but ones completely blocked..." Emil said. They nodded.

"We'll go down one." Stephanie and Darcy spoke in unison before looking at each other, and looking away.

"Okay, boys take care of them." Harry said before he and Erika walked down one path together leaving the four teens to go down the other.

"Will do, sir, you don't have to worry!" Jayden said with a salute.

Harry nodded, though he didn't turn around. He and Erika were already lost in conversation.

"Well, let's get walking!" Darcy said. Emil nodded and they started walking towards the opening. About three feet into the woods, Stephanie slipped.

"AH!" She screamed. In a flash, Darcy had her wrist, Emil had Darcy, and Jayden had Emil.

"Hold on," Darcy said.

"Well, I wasn't really planning on letting go!" Stephanie huffed. Suddenly there were a few more sounds and they all went sliding down mud, landing in water that carried them down to where they ended up in a small little cavern.

"W-whoa," Stephanie breathed and looked around.

"I-I know..." Jayden said, holding her close- though it hurt to move.

"Oh my god, Jayden, are you okay?" Darcy exclaimed. Looking down, Jayden's foot was in an awkward position.

"I- I don't know..." He said before moaning in pain. Emil looked at it, having an extensive knowledge in the medical field.

"It's only sprained, but he can't walk on it because it might get worse." He said.

"What should we do?" Stephanie asked, fearful as to what could happen to her beloved.

"You two will have to go find help." He said simply.

"WHAT WHY WITH HER?" They both yelled while pointing, then glaring.

"Because I'm the only one here strong enough to make him remain sitting down and I'm the only one that knows about what to do in serious medical situations." Emil spoke coolly.

"Fine, only for Jay," Stephanie said and glanced worried at him. Jayden offered up a weak, pained smile, and nodded.

"Okay..." Darcy sighed before they turned and started heading to find out, moving against the clock to get help for Jayden.

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