Chapter ten: Poor girls.

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"What is she doing in there?" Jayden asked.

"How should I know?" The man next to him asked.

"Dude, you're her dad therefore you should know!"

"Yeah but... Erika!" Harry cried.

"Yes?" She asked from next to the two idiotic boys.

"What is Stephanie doing in there?" The boys asked together.

"She's working out idiots." Erika said with a roll of her eyes.

"Nu-uh, she's dancing!" Jayden said. Erika raised a slender eyebrow, now she was curious. Stephanie rarely ever danced. She usually sang and Darcy danced.

'I still can't believe Darcy did that.' Erika thought with a huff before getting off the couch, putting down her book, and walking over to her love and her daughter's love.

The boys were peeking through a crack in Stephanie's door, waiting for her to come out so that they could all go shopping and spend some bonding time but now Harry and Jayden were more interested in trying to figure out what the hell she was doing.

Erika peeked in, balancing above her husband and saw her just doing a normal workout.

"Yeah, cause that's dancing dorks. Leave her be she'll be done when she's done." Erika laughed at the looks of shock on Harry and Jayden's faces.

"But she was dancing a second ago!" Harry cried.

"Yeah Harry's right, she was!" Jayden protested.

"God you two," Erika sighed and then flopped onto the couch and continued reading but mumbled something about how they were too much alike for her liking.

"She's doing it again!" Jayden called. Harry turned and looked in the room. Sure enough, she was dancing again before stopping and turning towards the door. Jayden and Harry scrambled away from the door and ran as fast as they could and jumped on the couch- nearly squishing Erika.

"HEY!" She yelled as Harry landed right on her.

"Hello my beautiful wife..." Harry said nervously as he saw a spark in her eyes.

"Dad, Jay what were you doing." They turned nervously and saw Stephanie standing in the door way, a similar look to her mother's on her face.

"Hello Steph, my beautiful and amazing girlfriend..." Jayden gulped.

"Sucking up won't save your butts." They girls said in unison. Harry shuddered slightly; he knew that they had sent to much time together while she was growing up. He glanced at Jayden.

'Good luck.' He mouthed to his daughters beloved. He made a small, nervous sound and Stephanie smirked and placed a hand on her hip.

"Spying isn't nice boys." Stephanie started.

"And running away isn't very honorable either." Erika said. If they could the two girls would have a fighting aura around them.

Harry and Jayden gulped before running out of Jayden's apartment and standing outside, hearing the girls laughing at them the whole time they ran.

"Good work honey." Erika said. Stephanie smirked.

"Thanks mom." She said before giggling some more.

"So what were you doing? I heard you were dancing." Erika asked curiously.

"Oh that," Stephanie started, "it's a dance from an old song I found on my IPod. I just found my old one when I was cleaning out my closet yesterday. I looked it up on YouTube and found an old video for it. Turns out it's still pretty popular." She ended.

"Cool, can I hear it? And will you teach me the dance?" Erika asked. Stephanie suddenly became a little red.

"Sure but not the dance... And I'm telling you now that this song, for me, is the one you like so much but you don't know why you do." Stephanie said hastily.

"Okay?" Erika asked. Stephanie collapsed next to her on the couch and pulled out the laptop, quickly going to it on YouTube and playing it. Erika just stared at it. When it was over she looked at Stephanie.

"What. The. Hell?" She asked, dumbfounded. Stephanie was red faced.

"Shut up! It's not my fault!" She exclaimed embarrassedly to her mother. Suddenly Erika started laughing and held her stomach.

"You- you know the dance?" She asked in between laughs.

"Yes... I taught myself." Stephanie yelled embarrassedly and dug her face in her hands.

"Oh my god, that's amazing. No wonder the guys were trying to figure out what the hell you were doing!" She laughed some more, trying to calm her laughing.


"I'm sorry but I never would've thought you liked that song.... And could do the dance." Then Erika was in another fit of laughter.

"Fine you wanted to learn it, get up and I'll teach you!" Stephanie said and dragged her mom up off the couch and moved the coffee table forward. She placed the laptop on it and was inwardly dying.

"Okay so let's get started." Stephanie said with a sigh and fixed her ponytail. [polyvore]




Erika had just managed to master it after 10 minutes before they started to do the dance for fun.

They hadn't noticed that the boys had just walked in, since they were facing away from the door, off having fun in their own world.

"What the fu-," Jayden stopped Harry in mid-sentence.

"Shhh, blackmail." Jayden smirked and pulled out his phone and started recording the girls dancing.

'Oh yes, I am going to like this boy very much.' Harry thought with a devious smirk before recording himself. When they could tell the song was almost over they ended the recording and went in the hall, to pretend that they were just now coming in.

The music stopped and they counted to sixty before opening the door.

"Can we go now?" Jayden asked, pretending to act innocent.

"Yeah, let me shower and change." Stephanie said and picked up a bag with her clothes and heading towards the bathroom. Quickly she showered and changed.

"So what did you two do?" Harry asked.

"Oh nothing really, just danced a bit." Erika smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh? What dance?" Harry asked, pretending to be curious. By now he knew what they had danced too.

"I'm not sure what it's called but I liked it!" Erika laughed.

Stephanie walked out and grinned, "Let's go!" She sang. [polyvore]

Harry and Jayden shared a look as they all walked down to the car.




"WHAT!?" The two girls yelled from the back.

"Yep, we're going there or else these will go viral." Harry teased as he and Jayden pulled out their phones and played them dancing.

"I hate you." Both girls growled.

"No you don't~!" The boys sand happily.




"I hate you mom."

"The feeling's mutual."

The poor girls were now at the mercy of the boys, who decided to play the song loudly and sing along horribly.



well what did you think? Not good? I know

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