Chapter five: Age is just a number and pedophile is just a name!

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I couldn't believe it. Darcy was sitting over there; lip-locked with Matt Striker, the school's bad boy, player, track record, and the biggest problem... he had been held back... a lot. He's 19 years old. (Oops changed it on you!) My 15 year old daughter was making out with a man who was about to be 20 in a matter of months. It was disgusting. Now people may not care about age but as a parent you are concerned because he is 20! Okay so maybe not yet but he is still going to be 20 in not too long. I snapped a few pictures before we finished eating. I stood up and loudly said, "Come on Eleanor we have to get back, I can't wait to see Darcy and Stephanie." I said.

"Oh yes we have to tell them something important! You should call her!" Eleanor said loudly too.

"Good Idea!" I said and pulled my phone out and called Darcy. I heard her ringtone and I looked over. I smiled and waved and walked over with Eleanor.

"Hey Darcy, I didn't see you here! Who is this?" I asked in the voice that she knew all too well. It was my sickeningly sweet voice. To anyone else it seemed normal but to the people I'm closest too, well it sent fear down their spine. She gave me the look of fear. She knew she was in trouble because if Harry knew where she would she'd be grounded. He told her when she was younger that she couldn't date until he was dead, plus three days just to be sure. Harry and I had been talking about ways to keep Darcy from dating Matt, because we knew that's what she wanted for a long time. Right now, a plan just clicked.

"M-mom, au-aunt Eleanor... Th-this is Matt... Matt this is my m-mom and aun-aunt Eleanor..." She trailed off. He looked at Eleanor nodded his head and then looked me over with a smirked and a wink. Since Darcy was behind him she couldn't see this sick pervert.

"Hello there, I'm Matt Striker. It's a pleasure." He held his hand out for me to shake and ai refused.

"Darcy you had better be getting home soon, it is a school night." I said.

"Ri...right... I'll just leave... with you..." She whispered and excused herself from the booth and followed us out like a scolded puppy. We got into the car and drove Eleanor home in silence. She was disappointed in her too and Darcy knew it. When we got home Darcy and I walked in. Baby Carrot and Honey were a sleep in their rooms and Stephanie was watching TV with her father.

"Harry, we need to talk." I said while making Darcy sit on the couch with Stephanie. I walked with Harry into the Kitchen and told him what was going on and showed them the pictures. He was obviously mad. I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed him quickly which caused him to relax and calm down.

"Darcy, Stephanie come here." Harry yelled. They came in and Darcy knew what was coming so she went and sat at the table. Stephanie was confused but followed her sister.

"Darcy are you and Matt official?" I asked and she shook her head.

"That's what we were doing; he was going to ask to make it official after dinner." She said sadly.

"YOU AND MATT, DARCY I TOLD YOU THAT THAT'S A BAD IDEA!" Stephanie yelled and Darcy looked down even more. Even Stephanie told her it was bad.

"We have decided something." Harry started.

"Stephanie honey what are your views on dating?" I asked her.

"I believe that dating is a waste of time, money, and energy and would choose to stay away from it until I am secured in school and know that I can go with out with someone that really loves me." She said. I smiled. God she was brilliant!

"That's perfect!" I said.

"How old is Matt?" Harry asked.

"19 and will be 20 in two months." Darcy whispered.

"He'll be what!?" Harry lapsed into a Hank Hill moment. I tried to not laugh at that.

"Age is just a number!" She said in a small hopeful voice.

"And Pedophile is just a name!" Harry yelled. I calmed him down and smiled at the girls.

"I thank god at times like these that I had twins, do you want to know why?" I asked and they raised an eyebrow. Stephanie looked horrified; she knew where this was going. Darcy looked confused.

"Why?" They asked in unison. I pointed at Darcy.

"You can't date." I said.

"But Stephanie can!? That is so not fair!" Darcy yelled and I shook my head.

"I didn't finish," I said and pointed at Darcy, "you can't date unless," then I pointed to Stephanie, "she does and that's final." I said.

"WHAT!" They both yelled in unison.

"Dad you can NOT let her do this to me!" Darcy yelled.

"Mom why did you have to say that now she'll try to make me date?" Stephanie asked mortified.

"SHE IS A MUTANT WHAT IF SHE NEVER DATES!?" Darcy yelled in fear.

"Then you'll never date." Harry said in a sing-song voice. Both girls looked at each other, glared, before stomping away to their bedrooms. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, curls tickling my face.

"I wonder if my parents ever felt like this." He mumbled into my neck.

"Most likely would be my best guess Hazza." I said and he laughed.

"You parents to!" He said.

"Nu-uh I was a good girl!" I said and he laughed.

"Sure you were I have proof that you aren't." He winked dirtily and I laughed.

"Okay so you should sleep you pervert." I said and he laughed.

Parenting was hard, but when you had twins; possibilities were endless.

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