Chapter one: Only if...

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Chapter one: Only if...

You know, I love my children. I love being a parent. I love being a model. I love being a wife. I love being a friend. I love being a sister, having a family. But oh my god having teenage daughters is like owning a farm with lots of loud animals. Everytime they do something I find myself wondering, 'god did I ever do that?' okay so the answer is usually yes but still! I don't understand how Emma, Niall, Danielle, Liam, and Zayn are always so mellow and calm and their children never miss behave. Jenna and Liam (They call him Lili so not to confuse them) are so well-behaved and Prim is silly and goofy but still listens and behaves when she needs to. Morgan, Louis, and Harry are the laugh along and get in trouble with them kind of parents. Eleanor and I are a mix. We like to laugh and have fun with the kids and we can be calm and mellow usually but when our kids get to that line we tell them to behave.

Melody and Lyric are so good and sweet and they love to laugh and goof around. Then you have my bunch of goof balls and Harry, or as we call him, Pumpkin 2 or big carrot. Harry and Louis, baby carrot, when they are together it's enough to kill someone. We once left big carrot, baby carrot, Darcy, Stephanie, and Eleanor, honey, with Paul for three hours- we came back and he was passed out on his couch with a note to us that said he couldn't do it.

Now that was funny but it explained one thing. Our kids we're crazy.

Like us...Opps.

Anyway big carrot (Harry) is usually good and can calm down baby carrot (Louis) when need be. Honey (Eleanor) is usually trying to calm down baby carrot so she ends up in trouble because she gets dragged along. They aren't too bad and neither are Darcy and Stephanie but there is two words to describe Darc and Steph; teenage craziness. Darcy is all about fashion and having fun. She loves to sing, dance, be loud, crazy, and still throws tantrums. Stephanie can be stubborn but for the most part she is well behaved. Now I'm not saying that Darcy is bad or anything but she knows how to push buttons sometimes.

So that's why Eleanor and I have a mantra.

We love our kids.

We love our kids.

We love our kids.

But they can be annoying.

We have a very strange relationship with our kids; all of the kids. We are all like a huge family, literally. We are like best friends and parents mixed to every child. It's a good relationship to have but sometimes they think you are more of a best friend then a parent. Trust me, I'm not one of the parents who never let their kids do stuff. No if they wanna go do sports I'm all for it. I use reverse phycology because I know if I tell them not to do something then they'll do it but if I tell them to do it then they won't. So far it's worked for all of us.

"Mom?" Darcy's voice asked somewhere towards the door. I had been sitting in my kitchen looking over some pictures that I just got back from my photo shoot with El. I looked over at her. She walked over and sat in front of me. She was dressed in an outfit we got her for her birthday [polyvore] Morgan designed it and had it made for her.

"What's up Darcy?" I asked her while cocking my head to the side.

"Okay so... today there is this party at Matt's house and well... I was wondering if I could possibly... go." She wondered nervously. I sighed. Matt was the school bad boy and player. He had a track record and she knew that we didn't like him.

"Did you ask your dad?" I asked her and she bit her lip.

"Yes." She said but when she bit her lip it was a nervous habit that said she was lying.

"Okay so if I ask Hazza right now he'll tell me you asked?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Please mom, I really want to go!" She said. I sighed and thought for a moment.

"HAROLD GET IN HERE!" I yelled and he walked in.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Should we let Darcy go to Matt's party?" I asked sweetly. He thought for a minute and we exchanged a look before grinning at one another.

"Stephanie come down here!" Harry called and a minute later she was at his side. She was dressed in [polyvore] her typical summer apparel.

"Yeah dad?" She asked, it was obvious that she had been reading because she sounded a bit annoyed.

"Darcy wants to go to Matt's party." Harry said and she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so what does that have to do with me?" She asked. I smirked and looked from one girl to the other. I was so glad that baby carrot and honey were at Anne's house because things were about to get loud.

"Darcy you can go to the party... only if Stephanie goes." Harry and I said in unison.

"WHAT?" Both girls shouted, we covered our ears but smiled.

"Darcy you can go to the party... if Stephanie goes." Darcy's mouth hung open as did Stephanie's.

"Why do I have to go?" Stephanie said and I grinned.

"Because if she goes then it's not fair if you don't." I said.

"No it's not fair to me!" Darcy cried.

"Oh and why is that?" Harry asked.

"Because she never wants to do anything but read or write or listen to music!" Darcy whined and pointed at Stephanie.

"Yeah well all you ever want to do is gossip, gossip, oh and let me think- gossip!" She yelled at her and they glared at one another.

"Well this settles it. Since Stephanie doesn't want to go and Darcy can't go unless Stephanie does, looks like neither of you are going." Harry said.

"You guys are so mean!" Darcy cried.

"No we're just parents." I said and she glared at me before stomping upstairs to her room.

Well that went well.

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