3. The Wedding Proposal

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I decided to talk to Dad about Bhai and Abhigya as I promised. 

It's morning time and I made a coffee for Dad with my hands. He loves my coffee.

I went to him and he was reading his newspaper. But he kept it aside immediately after seeing me. 

"What are you reading Dad?"

"Nothing more important than my Ishu."

"Coffee!" I handed it to him.

"How's it?" I asked.

"Perfect. Just like my Ishu." He said patting my cheek.


"Ha beta"

"Bhai is in love with someone."

"With whom?"

"With Abhigya Ratore. They both love each other  and want to get married."

"But Abhigya is doing her masters right now."

"Yes Dad"

"Let's talk to her parents after her completion."

"So you agree?"

"Of course, I agree. Abhigya is a nice girl. And her family is also good."

"Love you Dad"

"Love you more mera bachha.:

I rang my brother to inform the good news. He went on a business trip yesterday.

He was very happy and said he would inform Abhinav immediately.


Ishaan called me and said Isha succeeded in convincing her dad and he will convince his mom.

This girl definitely has some powers. She made her dad agree within minutes.

Now it's my turn to convince my family. 

I  came down and sat at the breakfast table.

"Abhinav I have something to ask you," Dadisa said.

"Ji dadi sa. Even I want to say something to you."

"I and your Dadu think that it's time for you to get married."

What the hell? I wanted to talk about Abhigya's marriage. From where did my marriage pop up?

"But we need a girl for that," I said.

"We think Isha will be a perfect match for you."

"Even I think she can be your perfect partner." My dad added.

"Ji bhai sa she is a sweetheart." Kaka sa joined.

"She is very kind and mature." Abir joined them.

Abhishek is smiling looking at me. Abhigya is as shocked as me.

"But dadi sa it's not only about us. Their family should agree too." I said.

"I spoke to her mom at the temple she too thinks you two can make a great pair. And she said she would talk to Harish and Isha about this."

"I'm okay with it if Isha agrees," I said hiding my happiness. I don't show any emotions in front of anyone. 

"I'll call her after breakfast." Dadi sa said and the table fell silent again.

I called Ishaan and informed the situation.

"Are you trying to tie the knot with my sister before I get married to your sister?" Ishaan asked.

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