33. Date

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Abhinav took me out and we reached a place which is not a hotel or restaurant. What are we doing here? It's in the middle of some woods.

"Shall we?" He asked forwarding his hand which I took. We walked further and reached a place beautifully decorated with lights and a table set up under the trees with various dishes placed on it.

 We walked further and reached a place beautifully decorated with lights and a table set up under the trees with various dishes placed on it

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"It's beautiful!" I breathed out looking around in aww.

"Not more than you!" He replied. Cheesy! But I love it. I looked down blushing and we both settled down.

"Dance with me?" He asked. I doubt whether it was a request, statement, or declaration.  I placed my hand in his extended palm and he pulled me up. He played a song on his mobile and kept it on the table. 

We both started slaying with the lyrics and I was completely lost in his captivating eyes and handsome face. He twirled me around and we did a dip. Then he lifted me holding me under my knee and we twirled. I just wish this moment would stop here with me in his arms. We stopped and looked into each other's eyes. I don't know who moved first but soon our lips met and we both melted into a passionate kiss. 

We parted for much-needed oxygen and he attached our foreheads. 

"I love you!" I said wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I love you more!" He said kissing my nose. 

We had our dinner talking random things and laughed a lot. I asked him to take me out for this very same reason.

"When did you get time to arrange all these?" I asked him as I asked him to take me out just a while ago.

"After Abir got bail. I know you need some alone time after all that tension but I wanted to tag along, I wanted to be with you." He replied making me smile.

"I wanted alone time but with you, husband!" I said kissing his cheek and he smiled. I have been missing this smile since that incident.

"I asked Ishaan to take Abhigya out and the elders went to some puja," Abhinav said making me nod.

"They needed that. " I replied. 

"But, I didn't find Abhishek and Abir at home." He said and I smiled sheepishly because I was the one who sent them out.

"What did you do?" He asked in an amusing tone.

"I sent them to Shimla with their friends. They need a break after all this. Especially Abir. I wanted to inform you beforehand but didn't find you at home and even your mobile was not reachable." I replied. I made sure they would not have any discomfort there.

"That's good. I hope they get better." He said in a low tone and I held his hand and kissed his knuckles. He smiled returning the gesture.

"I hope they like our home there," I said to which he gave me a confused look asking me to explain.

"I gave them the keys to the guest house Papa gifted me on my birthday," I replied and he gestured for me to come to him.

I went and stood beside him but he pulled me onto his lap. I adjusted myself on his lap and hugged his neck. He snuggled into my neck, kissed my shoulder, and rested his head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for some time until it started raining. 

I took my heals in my hands and was about to run but he lifted me bridal style and started walking to our car.

"You know, I can walk!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know. But I can't take the risk of you getting hurt walking barefoot and I am very much capable of carrying my wife," he replied. I tried to cover his head with my hands and he gave me an amused smile. I just shrugged it off and we both continued our work.

He settled me in and jogged toward his side. He started the car and we reached home soon. We changed into other sets of clothes and sat on our bed. I got a call from Papa and I explained everything. I convinced them a lot to stay back and not return from their trip. 

By the time I came back, Abhinav was reading a book lying on the bed. I too laid down on my side but I was getting bored. I decided to disturb him and settled myself between his arms which were holding the book and hugged him. His entire concentration was on the book. 

I traced my fingers on his jawline and blew air on his cheeks. He stilled for a few seconds but started concentrating on the book again.  I started kissing his neck this time.

"Princess, don't!" He hissed but will I listen? No! I snuggled more into him and started kissing his chest tracing fingers on his abs.

"Don't start something you can't finish biwi!" He said in a husky voice and I stilled in my place. I was about to come out of his arms but he pulled me back. I kept my head on his chest and started reading the book along with him. The book was so boring that I dozed off without my knowledge.

 The book was so boring that I dozed off without my knowledge

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The next morning when I woke up he was not beside me. I was about to get out of bed when I saw him walking out of the bathroom with just his sweatpants. His hair is wet and water droplets are making their way down his perfectly toned body. I was shamelessly ogling over him till he snapped his fingers bringing me out. I looked down embarrassed. 

"Don't get embarrassed princess! What you were looking at is yours anyhow!" He said and my cheeks started burning listening to his comment. I ran to the bathroom but I could hear him chuckling.

"Come fast, princess! I will prepare breakfast for us." I heard him. No one returned home last night. 

I took a relaxing shower and we both had our breakfast afterwards. Abhinav decided to take leave for today. I asked him to take leave for today. I had to request him but yeah he gave in.

"So, what does my princess want to do now?" He asked wrapping his hands around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. Honestly, I don't know what we are going to do but I wanted to spend time with him. 

"Let's watch a movie first." I grinned but he shook his head in no.

"Why?" I asked giving him my best puppy eyes.

"Because I didn't get my reward for the last time yet." He said turning me around and snaking his hands around my waist. I pulled him closer and joined our lips. We both kissed till we were out of breath. Once he left my lips he started giving open mouth kisses on my neck and jawline. He bit my sweet spot making me moan his name clutching his hair.

"Nav..." I moaned and he left me after pecking my lips and forehead. We both settled down in the theatre room and watched an action movie. 

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