40. Blissful!

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Abhinav took me out and we saw the fireflies there. It was the most beautiful sight I've seen to date. Did he take all this effort just to complete my wish of seeing fireflies? I moved away a little from him and took a look at the beautiful night.

Then, I turned to look at the man whom I love to no extent and who never fails to make me feel butterflies. 

"How?" I managed to ask my eyes boring into his shining ones. He looked no less than a Greek god in this minimum light and the fireflies blinking around him.

"You wanted to see them. So, here we are." He replied pulling me to him by my elbow. My hands reached his chest for balance while his hands wound around my waist.

"Thank you!" I whispered.

"You can kiss me thank you instead of saying, you know?" He teased, breathing near my ear. 

"Nav..." I whined and his chuckles reverberated in the silent environment.

I held his collar and pulled him closer to me before joining our lips. His grip around me tightened and I felt myself drowning in the kiss. My hands fisted his hair while his rested on my waist helping me stay in the place. We poured all our love and care for each other into that kiss while the moon, stars, and fireflies stood there as witnesses to our beautiful moment.

We broke away from the kiss after we both were out of breath. I felt light-headed and Abhinav being Abhinav held me straight by my waist.

"Let's eat something?" He asked me and I looked around. There was nothing set up for dinner. I gave him a confused look and he replied understanding my confusion.

"We are going somewhere nearby to have dinner." He just said this and led me to the car. We hopped on and thankfully, there was no blindfold this time.

We reached a place where a beautiful dinner set up was made. There was a tent-like setup lit brightly. There is a table set in the middle with dishes placed and pillows laid on both sides of the table. It was so simple yet very beautiful. There were white roses placed in the middle of the table.

"Do you like it?" Nav whispered bending to my level and I shuddered when his hot breath fanned my ear and neck

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"Do you like it?" Nav whispered bending to my level and I shuddered when his hot breath fanned my ear and neck. He gave me a naughty smile.

"It's beautiful!" I breathed out. "Thank you, Nav!" I added.

"I should be the one thanking you, Princess! Thank you for making me feel special. Thank you for making me believe that I am capable of being loved too. Thank you for never giving up on me and thank you for being there for me every time. Thank you for fighting for me with my mother. Thank you for loving me and my family unconditionally and for being there for everyone. 

Thank you for coming into my empty life and filling it with your colors. Thank you for being the light of my dark life and thank you for becoming my lifeline. I love you, Isha!" He said and by the time he completed it, he was on his knees holding my hand in his.

"I know you are scared of your past and my past is also trying to harm us. But, today, I, Abhinav Singh Rathore, the crowned prince and future king of Rajasthan am taking the five elements of life as witness, want to promise his wife, his princess, his everything, his Isha that she will find me with her every time she is in trouble and we both will fight and win our devils together." He completed looking straight into my eyes and I felt a teardrop falling from my own eye. I crouched down to his level and hugged him tight.

"Love you Nav!" I said clutching to him for my dear life. 

"Love you too Ishu!" He replied kissing my hair multiple times.

"Let's eat?" I asked lifting us up.

"Yeah!" He replied and we both walked hand-in-hand. He gestured me to sit but I shook my head. He gave me a confused look.

"You sit!" I said and he sat with the same confused look on his face. I sat on his lap and adjusted myself. 

"I wanted to sit on your lap hugging you!" I said resting my head on his chest basking in the heat radiated by his body.

He kissed my crown in response and wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me more into him.

I fed him and he did the same to me. After we were done eating we went back home and changed into comfortable wear. It started raining suddenly and I ran out to enjoy the rain. 

"Princess, no! Come in!" I heard him asking from inside.

"No!" I replied spreading my hands and inviting the rain to hug me. I twirled in the rain giggling and waving my hands. I was completely drenched in rain when a pair of strong arms pulled me away from the rain.

"Nav, what are you doing? I was..." I was cut off by his lips on me. He kissed me hungrily nibbling my lips and savoring every corner of my mouth. He stopped after a while and came near to my ear.

"You are making it hard for me to control with this sexy look of yours!" He growled kissing my earlobe. I am completely drenched and my clothes are sticking to my body like second skin. He too got wet while pulling me in. His white t-shirt is completely giving away his well-built abs and perfect physique. 

He was about to distance himself from me when I pulled him back to me by his hand.

"Let go, princess!" He requested almost desperately. I shook my head in no.

"I should take a shower!" He spoke in a low volume restraining himself from touching me. His eyes, labored breath, and his body language are speaking volumes about what's going on in his brain but he is restraining himself thinking I am not ready to take the next step.

"You don't need to!" I whispered my eyes cast down due to shyness.

"What?" He whispered back pushing me to the wall and cupping my face. His face was inches away from mine. Water droplets are falling from his wet hair and are giving him a more sexy look. A few droplets rested on his forehead and lips making it impossible for me to remain sane. Our chests are touching unleashing a new fire inside us. A drop fell from his hair on my face and made its way to my neck before disappearing into my clothes and Navs' eyes followed its movement like that's the only important thing for him.

"You don't need to take a shower Nav. I am ready for this!" I replied looking into his eyes. I hugged him tight after that. His heartbeats quickened matching my own. He held my chin and made me look straight into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked again in a mere whisper. His lips were just above mine almost brushing mine, his eyes were fixed on mine while our chests heaved up and down touching every time we took a breath. I nodded looking straight into his eyes. That's all he needed before crashing his lips onto mine.

"I love you!" He said kissing my forehead.

"Love you too, Nav!" I replied closing my eyes, ready to drown in the pleasure my husband wants to offer me.

"Tell me to stop if you want me to." He breathed near my neck and I breathed out an okay. He lifted me bridal style and walked towards the bed. Soon our clothes touched the ground and we were lost in exploring the depths of love, madness, and passion we have for each other. 

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